CAT Questions | CAT Sentence Rearrangement

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The question is from CAT Parajumbles. CAT exam will have 4~5 questions from Sentence Rearrangement. Solve CAT Questions from Parajumbles to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions that can help you gear for CAT Exam. .

Question 40: A. Hopelessness, exhaustion and dwindling control over national economic life are the themes of politics all across the world.

B. As a result, states have been forced to shed social commitments in order to reinvent themselves as custodians of the market.

C. This has drastically diminished national political authority in both real and symbolic ways.

D. The destruction of state authority over capital has been the clear-cut objective of the financial revolution that defines our present era.

  1. ADCB
  2. ACDB
  3. DBCA
  4. DCBA

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Sentence Rearrangement:

Sentence A declares that "hopelessness, exhaustion and dwindling control over national economic life" are themes of politics all over the world. C and D, too, talk of political authority.

What is the link between A and C? Though A could result in C, we note that C starts with "this" whereas A talks of multiple themes. Could A be the result of C? Diminished political authority can result in hopelessness and exhaustion, though not necessarily in dwindling control over national economic life. CA is a possibility if something else that precedes C that explains the point about political authority losing control over national economic life.

Next, consider D. This sentence declares that the "destruction of state authority over capital" has been the objective of the financial revolution that marks the present era. Clearly, if the state authority over capital is destroyed, then the state control over national economic life is also diminished. A is the result of D, so A follows D.

Now, B states that states have been forced to shed social commitments in order to protect the market. What is this the result of? The financial revolution mentioned in D is the only possible answer to this. That is, as a result of the financial revolution, states have been forced to reinvent themselves as custodians of the market. So, B follows D.

So, D is the first sentence of the paragraph. Between B and C, B is a better choice to follow immediately after D. Diminished political authority is the result of states shedding social commitments in order to reinvent themselves as custodians of the market. The converse does not make sense. So, DBC is the right order.

As seen earlier, A follows C. So, the final order is DBCA.

The question is " Arrange the sentences in the correct order "
The order is DBCA

Hence, the answer is DBCA

Choice C is the correct answer.




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