The question is from CAT Parajumbles. CAT exam will have 4~5 questions from Sentence Rearrangement. Solve CAT Questions from Parajumbles to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions that can help you gear for CAT Exam. .
Question 3: A. During the 24-hour darkness of the austral autumn and winter, the South Pole Telescope operates nonstop under impeccable conditions for astronomy.
B. The atmosphere is thin (the pole is more than 9,300 feet above sea level, 9,000 of which are ice), stable (due to the absence of the heating and cooling effects of a rising and setting Sun) and the pole has some of the calmest winds on Earth, blowing almost always from the same direction.
C. “The South Pole has the harshest environment on Earth, but also the most benign,� says William Holzapfel, a University of California at Berkeley astrophysicist, the on-site lead researcher at the South Pole Telescope.
D. From an astronomer’s perspective, not until the Sun goes down and stays down—March through September— does the South Pole get “benign.�
C talks of the South Pole being benign. D refers to the word benign in quotes. So, D should come after C, and quite possibly immediately after C.
The idea conveyed here is that the South Pole has the most benign weather and it is benign from March to September. So we can directly eliminate choice (d).
Sentence C makes a better choice for starting the paragraph than A.
Sentence A talks of impeccable conditions for astronomy and B explains what it is.
The question is " Arrange the sentences in the correct order "
The order is CDAB
Choice C is the correct answer.
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