CAT Questions | CAT Sentence Elimination Questions

CAT Verbal Ability | CAT Odd Sentence Out

The question is from CAT Sentence Elimination. CAT exam will have 2~3 questions from Sentence Elimination. Solve CAT Questions from Sentence Elimination to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions from Odd Sentence out that can help you gear for CAT Exam.

Question 34: A. Museums are not neutral spaces, where objects exist without context; they do more than allow us to engage with history and art.

B. They are forms in and of themselves, which, to varying degrees, enable and propagate missions and legacies through design and architecture.

C. Try as some museums might to go unnoticed as simply the pedestal or wall on which history and art work hangs, there is no escaping the weight of the objects and stories told within their architecture.

D. A museum of modern art in Cologne isn’t so different from a museum of modern art in Chicago – you see the same major-canon artists, arranged in more or less the same way.

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Sentence Elimination:

Sentence A talks of the "supposedly vast Sentence A posits that museums are not 'neutral spaces' that house objects without context. Sentence B expands on this idea, stating that museums propagate missions and legacies 'through design and architecture'. The point that these statements make is that the form of the museum--its design and architecture-- matters as much as the objects in it, for this adds context to the objects showcased in the space. Sentence C reiterates this, stating that 'there is no escaping the weight of the objects and stories told within their architecture'. ABC makes a cogent paragraph.

Sentence D states a diametrically opposite view to the one in the other sentences, declaring that one museum isn't so different from another, as it displays 'the same major-canon artists, arranged in more or less the same way'.

The question is " Choose the Sentence that does not fit in "

Hence, the answer is Sentence D

Choice D is the correct answer.


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