CAT Questions | CAT Text Completion Questions

CAT Verbal Ability | CAT Text Completion

The question is from CAT Text Completion. Text Completion for Verbal Ability for CAT. Text Completion questions often feature in the CAT. A couple of sentences with blanks are given, along with word options for each blank. You need to choose the right combination of words that make sense in the given context. Have a look at this question from Text Completion. Solve CAT Questions from Text Completion to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions that can help you gear for CAT Exam .

Question 29: Even before newspaper editorials shrank into vestigial artifacts of a bygone era, their impact was ______________________. Editorial boards have long tended to have durable leanings which _________________ their persuasive power over partisan politics.

  1. formidable, underpin
  2. pronounced, subvert
  3. self-limiting, undermine
  4. negligible, bolster

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Text Completion:

According to the first sentence, newspaper editorials have shrunk into "vestigial artifacts" of a "bygone" era. This hints at the idea that they aren't relevant any more. So, when the author begins by saying that even before newspaper editorials were relegated to this state, their impact was __________, the word that fits the first blank is likely to be negative—self-limiting, or negligible. So, we narrow down the choices to C and D.

Now, the second sentence says that editorial boards have long tended to have "durable leanings", as in, they tend to take firm positions/sides and stick to these. What does this do to their persuasive powers over partisan politics? If the stance of the editorial board is predictable, then their ability to persuade the reader to change his/her mind is reduced, not boosted. Also, keeping in mind that the author is generally being negative about the influence/reach of newspaper editorials, the word 'undermine' is the one that fits this blank best.

The question is "Choose the correct option to fill the blanks"

Hence, the answer is C

Choice C is the correct answer.


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CAT Questions | Verbal Ability for CAT

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