CAT Questions | CAT Paragraph Completion Questions

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The question is from CAT Paragraph Completion. CAT exam will have 1~2 questions from Paragraph Completion. Solve CAT Questions from Paragraph Completion to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions from Para Completion that can help you gear for CAT Exam.

Question 17: When components of his New Deal got struck down by the Supreme Court of the United States, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt threatened to increase the number of its judges from nine to fifteen through a court-reform bill. He reasoned that packing the court with six new judges would bring about a new majority that would side with the government. _________________________________________. For, in 1937, Justice Owen Roberts changed his vote to side with the government-leaning judges, and Roosevelt thereafter did not need to pursue court packing.

Choose the option which fits in best in the given blank:

  1. The judiciary refused to let in a Trojan horse into its citadel of independence.
  2. The resultant public backlash put paid to his plans.
  3. His relationship with the judiciary was fraught with confrontation and conflict.
  4. Shortly thereafter, ‘a switch in time saved the nine’.

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Paragraph Completion:

The key to identifying the missing sentence lies in the final sentence, which tells us that Roosevelt did not need to pursue court packing, as Justice Owen Roberts changed his vote to side with the government-leaning judges. Option D captures this ‘switch’ well.

Option A talks of the independence of the judiciary, which is unrelated to the last sentence, which talks of Justice Owen Roberts’ change of stance.

In case of option B, if the public backlash had put paid to Roosevelt’s plans, there is no sense discussing in the next sentence that “Roosevelt thereafter did not need to pursue court packing�.

Option C doesn’t fit in the paragraph as it is on a tangent—about FDR’s relationship with the judiciary, whereas the paragraph is specifically about court packing.

The question is " Choose the Sentence that completes the Paragraph "

Hence, the answer is Sentence D

Choice D is the correct answer.


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