CAT Quantitative Aptitude Questions | CAT Time and Work questions

CAT Questions | Time and work | Work Time

The question is from Time and work. Details about efficiency of two people is given we need to find out the efficiency of one person. A simple Work and Time question that makes you think !!

Question 8: B takes 12 more days than A to finish a task. B and A start this task and A leaves the task 12 days before the task is finished. B completes 60% of the overall task. How long would B have taken to finish the task if he had worked independently?

  1. 48 days
  2. 36 days
  3. 28 days
  4. 32 days

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Pipes Cisterns and Work Time: A simple Work and Time question that makes you think !!

Let us say A and B split their share of the task and started doing their respective shares simultaneously.

Let’s say A takes A days to finish the task. Therefore, B takes A + 12 days to finish the entire task.

A has to finish 40% of the task, since B is doing the rest. So A will only take 2A/5 number of days.

B only has to finish 60% of the task, so B will take (3(A+12)/5) number of days.

But as we know, B starts working along with A and finishes 12 days after A stops working.

So, (3(A+12)/5) = ((2A)/5+12)
3A + 36 = 2A + 60
A = 24; B = 36 days.

The question is "How long would B have taken to finish the task if he had worked independently?"

Hence, the answer is "36 days".

Choice B is the correct answer.

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