CAT Questions | CAT Paragraph Summary Questions

CAT Verbal Ability | CAT Paragraph Summary

The question is from CAT Paragraph Summary. Paragraph Summary for Verbal Ability for CAT. Paragraph Summary questions often feature in the CAT. Given a paragraph and four choices, you are asked to choose the option that summarizes the paragraph best. Have a look at this question from Paragraph Summary. Solve CAT Questions from Paragraph Summary to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions that can help you gear for CAT Exam .

Question 9: Much has rightly been made of the problem of political polarisation, but not nearly as much has been said about the problem of political homogenisation. Both are toxic to public discourse. While the former makes for awkward conversations at the family dinner table, the latter buries difficult conversations. Where agreement is sought without a decent discussion, opinion corridors form, limiting the range of ideas tolerated in public discourse. Where all views are not heard in appropriate discussion, the only alternative is inappropriate discussion. And populist rhetoric cuts through this muffled discussion culture like a hot knife through butter, as the pent-up need to be heard surfaces.

  1. Political ambivalence is as harmful to public discourse as political polarisation.
  2. By subduing discussion, political homogenisation can lead to the rise of populism.
  3. When opinion across the political spectrum is not heard, public discourse is crippled.
  4. Political homogenisation is as much a cause for rise of populism as political polarisation.

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Paragraph Summary:

The paragraph argues that political homogenisation is as toxic to public discourse as political polarisation. To support this, the paragraph puts forth two main points. The first one is that where agreement is sought without a "decent" or "appropriate" discussion, there are "opinion corridors". The ideas tolerated in public discourse get limited and discussion is subdued. The second point the paragraph makes is that when a culture buries difficult conversations, it sets the stage for the rise of populism as populist rhetoric resonates with those segments of the population that have a pent up need to be heard.

Option B captures both these ideas, and is the best one to sum up the paragraph.

Option A talks of "political ambivalence". This is not discussed in the paragraph.

Option C is very close, but while it speaks of one of the ideas in the paragraph, it doesn't touch upon the point about populist rhetoric.

That political polarisation leads to populism is not clear from this paragraph. So, option D is incorrect.

The question is "Choose the option that summarizes the paragraph best "

Hence, the answer is B

Choice B is the correct answer.


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CAT Questions | Verbal Ability for CAT

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