CAT Questions | CAT Paragraph Summary Questions

CAT Verbal Ability | CAT Paragraph Summary

The question is from CAT Paragraph Summary. Paragraph Summary for Verbal Ability for CAT. Paragraph Summary questions often feature in the CAT. Given a paragraph and four choices, you are asked to choose the option that summarizes the paragraph best. Have a look at this question from Paragraph Summary. Solve CAT Questions from Paragraph Summary to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions that can help you gear for CAT Exam .

Question 5: Cheapness and its cinematic markers, such as hand-held camera work and low or high-contrast light, aren’t themselves guarantors of a tone of artistic authenticity. In fact, they’re often misused by filmmakers short of inspiration as badges of sincerity that take the place of actual artistry. The theatrical realism of many older, ostensibly classic movies have dated terribly and reflect the very exclusions and compromises of the system that produced them. Only the ingenious exertions and inventions of a slender minority of great filmmakers could circumvent and override them. Yet, critics fetishize the styles of studio-era movies and take them for an enduring and immutable aesthetic standard – as if, with an appreciation of Shakespeare came a comparable fixation on lesser Elizabethans and a disdain for latter-day dramatists for not writing in iambic pentameter.

  1. Nostalgia for movies as they were made in the past converges to nostalgic exaltation of their production methods.
  2. Rather than imitating the styles of studio-era movies in a bid to achieve artistic authenticity, filmmakers need to focus on inventive ideas and realistic themes.
  3. Only the brilliance and resourcefulness of small minority of great filmmakers could overcome the hurdles posed by budget constraints in studio-era movies.
  4. The veneration of the styles and production methods of low-budget movies of the studio-era as the ideal aesthetic standard is misguided.

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Paragraph Summary:

This paragraph is about movies of the “studio-era�?, produced on low budgets, using techniques such as hand-held camera work and low or high-contrast light. The paragraph argues that these cinematic markers alone are not enough to claim that the movie is authentic and artistic. In fact, only great filmmakers, using their extraordinary skills and genius, could overcome the deficiencies of these production methods and make exceptional movies. The paragraph declares that filmmakers who are short of ideas often use techniques such as low light or handheld camera word to falsely project themselves as artistic. Critics too fixate on the styles of studio-era filmmaking, assuming these set the highest artistic and aesthetic standard. However, this is not correct. To think so is to say that an appreciation for Shakespeare implies an equal fixation on “lesser Elizabethans�? (Shakespeare’s contemporaries) and disdain for later-day dramatists, just because they do not write in iambic pentameter (Shakespeare’s style).

Let us see the options one-by-one to see which one summarizes the paragraph best:

Option A. Nostalgia for movies as they were made in the past converges to nostalgic exaltation of their production methods.

From what the paragraph says, we know that the above is true. However, this does not fully summarize the main idea of the paragraph, which argues emphatically that this nostalgia is misplaced. So option A is not the right one to sum up the paragraph as it only partially covers the main idea of the paragraph.

Option B. Rather than imitating the styles of studio-era movies in a bid to achieve artistic authenticity, filmmakers need to focus on inventive ideas and realistic themes.

The paragraph given does talk about filmmakers trying to copy the styles of studio-era movies, as if this alone is enough to declare their work as artistic. However, the focus of the paragraph is not what filmmakers need to do. Rather, the focus is on the mistaken notion that low budget filmmaking of the studio-era is an immutable standard for artistic authenticity. Further, the paragraph makes no mention of the need for filmmakers to center their attention on “realistic themes�? as mentioned in the line above. So option B is not the right one to sum up the paragraph.

Option C. Only the brilliance and resourcefulness of small minority of great filmmakers could overcome the hurdles posed by budget constraints in studio-era movies.

Again, the paragraph does say this, but this is not the main idea of the paragraph and certainly does not summarize it.

Option D. The veneration of the styles and production methods of low-budget movies of the studio-era as the ideal aesthetic standard is misguided.

The whole point of the paragraph is to say that the undue fetish for the styles and production of low-budget movies of the studio-era and the idea that this is the immutable artistic standard is misguided. So this is the right option to sum up the paragraph.

The question is "Choose the option that summarizes the paragraph best "

Hence, the answer is D

Choice D is the correct answer.


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