CAT Questions | CAT Word Usage Questions

CAT Verbal Ability | CAT Word Usage

The question is from CAT Word Usage. Word Usage for Verbal Ability for CAT. Word Usage questions that appear in the verbal section of CAT look for the correct usage of words in a sentence. Have a look at this question from Word Usage. Solve CAT Questions from Word Usage to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions that can help you gear for CAT Exam .

Question 3: The rise of Indian athletes in global rankings across a variety of sports is a de facto (A)/critical (B) requirement for developing sustainable mass interest in these sports.

This needs to be complimented (A)/complemented (B) by some other initiatives, such as developing television-friendly competitive formats.

Notwithstanding early hurdles in invoking (A)/evoking (B) interest, it is heartening to see the emergence of Indian Premier League (IPL) formats in hockey, football, badminton and kabaddi.

The entry of big broadcasters into a sport invariably nurtures (A)/pushes (B) the ecosystem towards better facilities, training and production quality.

  1. ABAB
  2. AABA
  3. BAAA
  4. BBBB

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Word Usage:

Sentence 1- The rise of Indian athletes in global rankings across a variety of sports is a de facto (A)/critical (B) requirement for developing sustainable mass interest in these sports.

“De facto� refers to something actually existing in reality. It does not make sense in sentence 1.

“Critical� is the right word choice here.

Sentence 2- This needs to be complimented (A)/complemented (B) by some other initiatives, such as developing television-friendly competitive formats.

Compliment and complement are words that are often confused. Complimenting someone means praising them. The verb complement means “to complete�.

So the right word choice for sentence 2 is complement.

Sentence 3- Notwithstanding early hurdles in invoking (A)/evoking (B) interest, it is heartening to see the emergence of Indian Premier League (IPL) formats in hockey, football, badminton and kabaddi.

To invoke is to appeal to or call upon for help. To evoke is to elicit or produce. Evoking is the correct word choice for this sentence.

Sentence 4- The entry of big broadcasters into a sport invariably nurtures (A)/pushes (B) the ecosystem towards better facilities, training and production quality.

To nurture is to rear, bring up or nourish. However, in the given sentence “pushes� is the right word choice. The entry of broadcasters can nurture the ecosystem, but the word “towards� in the given sentence means the verb “pushes� makes sense, not nurture.

In all sentences alternative B is the correct one, so the correct answer is d) BBBB

The question is " Choose the correct order of words in the sentence "
The answer choice is BBBB

Hence, the answer is BBBB

Choice D is the correct answer.


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CAT Questions | Verbal Ability for CAT

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