CAT Questions | CAT Word Usage Questions

CAT Verbal Ability | CAT Word Usage

The question is from CAT Word Usage. Word Usage for Verbal Ability for CAT. Word Usage questions that appear in the verbal section of CAT look for the correct usage of words in a sentence. Have a look at this question from Word Usage. Solve CAT Questions from Word Usage to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions that can help you gear for CAT Exam .

Question 2: The retraction (A)/hemorrhaging (B) of Louisiana’s coastal wetlands- the size of a football field an hour- has gone largely unremarked upon beyond state borders.

Beneath the surface, Louisiana's oil and gas industry has carved more than 50,000 wells since the 1920s, creating pockets of air in the marsh that accelerate the land’s subvention (A)/subsidence (B).

The oil and gas industry has extracted about $470 billion in natural resources from the state in the last two decades, with the tacit (A)/ tactile (B) blessing of the federal and state governments and without significant opposition from environmental groups.

So industry executives had reason to be surprised (A)/addled (B) when John M Barry, a historian and former college-football coach filed the most ambitious, wide-ranging environmental lawsuit in the history of the United States, asking them to pay damages.

  1. ABAB
  2. ABBA
  3. BBAA
  4. BABA

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Word Usage:

Sentence 1- The retraction (A)/hemorrhaging (B) of Louisiana’s coastal wetlands- the size of a football field an hour- has gone largely unremarked upon beyond state borders.

The word “retraction� means withdrawal, but it is used in the context of withdrawal of a promise, statement or opinion.

The word “hemorrhaging� makes sense here, referring to the loss of land.

Sentence 2- Beneath the surface, Louisiana's oil and gas industry has carved more than 50,000 wells since the 1920s, creating pockets of air in the marsh that accelerate the land’s subvention (A)/subsidence (B).

“Subvention� refers to a monetary grant or aid. “Subsidence� meaning sinking is the correct word to be used here.

Sentence 3- The oil and gas industry has extracted about $470 billion in natural resources from the state in the last two decades, with the tacit (A)/ tactile (B) blessing of the federal and state governments and without significant opposition from environmental groups.

“Tacit� means unspoken approval; “tactile� is associated with the sense of touch. The correct word choice here is tacit.

Sentence 4- So industry executives had reason to be surprised (A)/addled (B) when John M Barry, a historian and former college-football coach filed the most ambitious, wide-ranging environmental lawsuit in the history of the United States, asking them to pay damages.

As there had not been any significant opposition from the Government or environmental groups earlier, industry executives had reason to be surprised about the lawsuit. “Addled� which means confused, does not make sense here.

The question is " Choose the correct order of words in the sentence "
The answer choice is BBAA

Hence, the answer is BBAA

Choice C is the correct answer.


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