CAT Questions | CAT Word Usage Questions

CAT Verbal Ability | CAT Word Usage

The question is from CAT Word Usage. Word Usage for Verbal Ability for CAT. Word Usage questions that appear in the verbal section of CAT look for the correct usage of words in a sentence. Have a look at this question from Word Usage. Solve CAT Questions from Word Usage to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions that can help you gear for CAT Exam .

Question 16: The rhetoric of “bad teachers� and “good teachers� reinforces the precept (A)/perception (B) that teaching ability is a gift someone either has or does not have.

This subtly underpins (A)/undermines (B) the status of teaching, by obscuring the extraordinary skill required to perform the job to a high level and by implying that great teaching cannot be taught.

Indeed, the set-up of most schools is inimical (A)/inimitable (B) to collaboration.

Subsequently (A)/Consequently (B), teachers have never developed a shared vocabulary for discussing their work in detail and improving their teaching techniques.

  1. ABAB
  2. BABA
  3. BBAB
  4. AABA

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Word Usage:

Let us look at the sentences in order:

Sentence 1- The rhetoric of “bad teachers� and “good teachers� reinforces the precept(A)/perception(B) that teaching ability is a gift someone either has or does not have.

A precept is a maxim or instruction. This word does not make sense here. Perception, or impression is the right choice for this sentence.

Sentence 2- This subtly underpins (A)/undermines (B) the status of teaching, by obscuring the extraordinary skill required to perform the job to a high level and by implying that great teaching cannot be taught.

Underpin (strengthen) and undermine (weaken) are antonyms. Undermine is the right word in this context. The perception that teaching ability is a gift undermines the status of teaching, the skill it requires to perform it very well and implies teaching cannot be taught.

Sentence 3- Indeed, the set-up of most schools is inimical(A)/inimitable(B) to collaboration.

Inimical (meaning: harmful) and inimitable (meaning: incomparable) are often confused because they sound similar. Clearly, inimical is the correct word here.

Sentence 4- Subsequently (A)/Consequently (B), teachers have never developed a shared vocabulary for discussing their work in detail and improving their teaching techniques.

‘Consequently’ means ‘as a result of’, whereas ‘subsequently’ means ‘afterwards’. The right option here is ‘consequently’.

Hence, the answer is BBAB

Choice C is the correct answer.


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CAT Questions | Verbal Ability for CAT

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