CAT Questions | CAT Word Usage Questions

CAT Verbal Ability | CAT Word Usage

The question is from CAT Word Usage. Word Usage for Verbal Ability for CAT. Word Usage questions that appear in the verbal section of CAT look for the correct usage of words in a sentence. Have a look at this question from Word Usage. Solve CAT Questions from Word Usage to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions that can help you gear for CAT Exam .

Question 15: Celebrity has become an incurable condition, without remission (A)/omission (B).

Fame is a treadmill, and having your own gym does not seem to make the legwork any (A)/far (B) easier.

When Gore Vidal said of Truman Capote that his death was a good career move, it was mere waspish provocation, so (A)/but (B) the same assertion could be made without irony about Jean Harlow, James Dean and Marilyn Monroe.

The flesh-and-blood person is surplus to requirements once an icon has been created, and (A)/but (B) often becomes an active embarrassment.

  1. BBAA
  2. BAAB
  3. AABA
  4. AABB

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Word Usage:

Sentence 1- Celebrity has become an incurable condition, without remission (A)/omission (B).

The correct word choice here is remission implying relaxation or release.

The word omission does not fit in the above sentence.

Sentence 2- Fame is a treadmill, and having your own gym does not seem to make the legwork any (A)/far (B) easier.

The word that fits in this sentence is ‘any’. Having your own gym does not make the legwork any easier.

Sentence 3- When Gore Vidal said of Truman Capote that his death was a good career move, it was mere waspish provocation, so (A)/but (B) the same assertion could be made without irony about Jean Harlow, James Dean and Marilyn Monroe.

The correct word choice here is ‘but’, as we are told that the assertion could be made “without irony� about the others.

Sentence 4- The flesh-and-blood person is surplus to requirements once an icon has been created, and (A)/but (B) often becomes an active embarrassment.

The correct choice here is ‘and’.

The flesh-and-blood-person becomes surplus to requirements (i.e., superfluous) once an icon has been created. The flesh-and-blood person, in fact, often becomes an active embarrassment. The correct conjunction for the sentence is ‘and’.

Hence, the answer is AABB

Choice C is the correct answer.


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CAT Questions | Verbal Ability for CAT

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