CAT Questions | CAT Reading Comprehension

CAT Verbal Ability | RC for CAT

The question is from CAT Reading Comprehension. RC for CAT. RC Passages that appear in the verbal section of CAT test on the Reading ability of the candidate. Solve CAT RC Passages to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions that can help you gear for CAT Exam .

Question 1: Which of the following is a suitable title for the passage?

  1. How to write a memoir
  2. The age of literary fraud
  3. Who is afraid of fake memoirists
  4. Writing in the age of the internet

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Reading Comprehension:

This passage questions the popular belief that we live in an age of literary fraud, given the reported rise in fake memoirs. It argues that more fraud is being exposed because of internet’s surveillance on writing. It further traces the origins of novels as fake memoirs and asserts that good writing tells the truth of human nature. The author believes we need not fear fake memoirists and that the symptom of our age is not fake memoirists but their detection.

Let us consider the titles suggested in order.

‘How to write a memoir’- We can rule this out as a title for the passage. The passage does not describe how a memoir should be written.

‘The age of literary fraud’- The author does not believe in the widely touted view that we live in an age of literary fraud. Hence this is not a suitable title for the passage.

‘Who is afraid of fake memoirists’- The passage discusses fake memoirs and states that we need not fear that the “kingdom of letters� has been invaded with fraud because of the reported rise in these. It then describes good writing and how it renders moot the writer’s factuality. This would make a suitable title for the passage.

‘Writing in the age of the internet’- This looks like a possible choice at the outset. But the word “writing� is broad in scope. This passage deals with memoirs- factual and fictional, specifically. Hence this option is also ruled out.

The question is "Choose the Correct option "

Hence, the answer is C

Choice C is the correct answer.


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