The question is from CAT Reading Comprehension. RC for CAT. RC Passages that appear in the verbal section of CAT test on the Reading ability of the candidate. Solve CAT RC Passages to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions that can help you gear for CAT Exam .
Question 3: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
a. Runic script was most likely derived from Old Italic script.
b. Runes were not used so much as a simple writing system, but rather as magical signs to be used for charms.
c. In the Proto-Germanic period, the god Tiwaz was associated with war, victory, marriage and the diurnal sky.
d. The knowledge of the meanings attributed to the runes of the Younger Futhark is derived from the three Rune poems.
Statement i - Runic script was most likely derived from Italic script.
True. The runes are presumed to have been derived from one of the many Old Italic alphabets in use among the Mediterranean peoples of the first century CE, who lived to the south of the Germanic tribes.
Statement ii - Runes were not used so much as a simple writing system, but rather as magical signs to be used for charms.
False. Runes were used as a writing system. They were also used as magical signs. They were more than letters as we understand them today, not just magical signs.
Statement iii - In the Proto-Germanic period, the god Tiwaz was associated with war, victory, marriage and the diurnal sky.
True. We understand from the passage that Tiwaz was perceived to dwell within the daytime sky, had martial role and was associated with victory in battle.
Statement iv - The knowledge of the meanings attributed to the runes of the Younger Futhark is derived from the three Rune poems.
False. The Younger Futhark is treated in the Icelandic and Norwegian Rune Poems only, not all three rune poems as suggested in the statement above.
So, of the four statements above only i and iii can be inferred from the passage.
The question is "Choose the Correct option "
Choice D is the correct answer.
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