DILR CAT 2017 Slot 2 Funky Pizzeria

DILR CAT 2017 Slot 2: Funky Pizzeria

Funky Pizzeria was required to supply Pizzas to three different parties. The total number of Pizzas it had to deliver was 800. 70% of which was to be delivered to Party 3 and the rest equally divided between Party 1 and Party 2.

Pizzas could be of Thin Crust (T) or Deep Dish (D) variety and come in either Normal Cheese (NC) or Extra Cheese (EC) versions. Hence, there are 4 types of Pizzas: T – NC, T – EC, D-NC, D-EC. Partial information about proportions of T and NC pizzas ordered by the three parties are given below.

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First, let us get some simple numbers in place. 70% of 800 people attended Party 3. Or, 560 people attended this party. The remaining 240 were split equally, or 120 each on Party 1 and Party 2.

Now, let us look at these decimals. 0.6 = ; 0.55 = ; 0.3 = ; 0.65 = ;
The best of the fractions is 0.375 which is ; this helps a lot. Now, we know that we are going to fill data in two classifications T or D and NC or EC. So, let us capture data also in these two formats

After we create these two tables, it is just a matter of filling the numbers in.

Once some numbers are present, the rest fill in automatically

1. How many Thin Crust pizzas were to be delivered to Party 3?
A) 398
B) 162
C) 196
D) 364

Ans. From the table, we can see that the no. of thin crust pizzas delivered to Party 3 is 162.

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