CAT Questions | CAT Sentence Elimination Questions

CAT Verbal Ability | CAT Odd Sentence Out
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The question is from CAT Sentence Elimination. CAT exam will have 2~3 questions from Sentence Elimination. Solve CAT Questions from Sentence Elimination to get more practice and 2IIMs CAT questions bank provides you with CAT questions from Odd Sentence out that can help you gear for CAT Exam.

Question 17: A. Muhammad Ali’s rejection of the Vietnam War was thus a rejection of war itself as a viable means of solving human problems, real or perceived.

B. In refusing the draft, Ali thus also refused to believe that national boundaries somehow categorically divided human beings into “us� and “them�.

C. Violence is the tool of the hegemon; by eschewing it you are already challenging the means through which hegemony is legitimized.

D. The best way to stand up to power and injustice is to be steadfast in your resistance while shunning violence.

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

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Explanatory Answer

Method of solving this CAT Question from Sentence Elimination:

The best way to approach sentence elimination questions is to figure out which three of the four sentences given form a cogent paragraph. The sentence that does not fit in is the one to be eliminated.

Now, looking at sentences A and B, it is clear that they share a link -Ali’s rejection of the Vietnam War. Sentence A tells us that by rejecting war, Ali showed that he believed that war could not solve human problems. Sentence B talks of Ali’s refusal to base national boundaries as lines demarcating humans into “us� and “them�. Each sentence, thus, conveys a distinct idea which answers the question, “What does Ali’s rejection of the Vietnam War show?�. Also note that both sentences A and B have the word “thus� in them. In a paragraph, some other idea is likely to have preceded both these sentences.

Now looking at sentences C and D, we see that these two sentences too share a common idea-that of shunning violence while standing up to injustice. Sentence C argues that violence is used to legitimize hegemony or dominance and not resorting to it is the best way to challenge it. Sentence D too echoes this idea. If these sentences were to be rearranged in a paragraph, how would they be ordered? Sentence D declares that the “best way� to stand up to power and injustice is to be unyielding, while at the same time avoiding violence. Sentence C explains why this is so. It declares that violence is often used as a tool to authorize or establish dominance, and by avoiding it you are already challenging the hegemon. So C follows D.

Now which sentence from the two groups AB and CD shares a common idea with the other group?

We see that sentence A shares a common idea with D and C. The main idea of sentence A is that Ali rejected the Vietnam War as he believed war/violence is not the solution to human problems. If these sentences were to form a paragraph, they would be ordered DCA.

Sentence B, on the other hand, talks of a completely new idea- of national boundaries dividing humans into opposing factions. It does not fit with either D or C.

The question is " Choose the Sentence that does not fit in "

Hence, the answer is Sentence B

Choice B is the correct answer.


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