CAT Questions | CAT Sentence Correction

CAT Verbal Ability | CAT Grammar

The following questions are from the Sentence Correction Pattern that are very popular in Verbal Ability for CAT. Sentence Correction questions often feature in the CAT. In each question, a sentence is given, and a part of it is underlined. Choose the answer option that corrects any error/errors observed in the underlined fragment. Note that in questions where only a part of the sentence is underlined/in italics, the answer options correspond to changes to be made to the highlighted part. The rest of the sentence remains unchanged. Make sure you go through these CAT Questions from Sentence Correction to have an idea on how to solve these! If you would like to take these questions as a Quiz, head on here to take these questions in a test format, absolutely free.

  1. CAT Sentence Correction

    Though all competitive exams do not allow using a calculator, but where they are permitted, there are restrictions on the models allowed.

    1. Though all competitive exams do not allow using calculators,
    2. Not all competitive exams allow the use of a calculator,
    3. Every competitive exam does not allow using of calculators,
    4. No correction required
    Choice B

  2. CAT Sentence Correction

    Denouncing it as anti-democratic,the Lobbying Act was slammed by critics, imposing draconian limits on the activities of trade unions.

    1. the Lobbying Act, which imposes draconian limits on the activities of trade unions, was slammed by critics.
    2. critics slammed the Lobbying Act, imposing draconian limits on the activities of trade unions.
    3. critics slammed the Lobbying Act, which imposes draconian limits on the activities of trade unions.
    4. No correction required
    Choice C

  3. CAT Sentence Correction

    While people in the Middle East have good reason to feel gravely threatened by terrorism,but elsewhere in the world, its more that people are paying greater attention to the terrorist threat then they used to.

    1. but, elsewhere in the world, it’s more that people are paying greater attention to the terrorist threat then they used to.
    2. elsewhere in the world, it’s more that people are paying greater attention to the terrorist threat than they used to.
    3. but elsewhere in the world, it’s more that people are paying greater attention to the terrorist threat than they used to
    4. elsewhere in the world, its more that people are paying greater attention to the terrorist threat than they used to.
    Choice B

  4. CAT Sentence Correction

    Long-term risk is rarely taken by air-quality indices into account, they also vary from place to place.

    1. Air-quality indices rarely take long-term risk into account;
    2. Rarely do air-quality indices take long-term risk into account,
    3. Though long-term risk is rarely taken by air-quality indices into account,
    4. No correction required
    Choice A

  5. CAT Sentence Correction

    The solution that he worked out was not only correct but complicated.

    1. was not only correct but also complicated.
    2. was correct but complicated.
    3. was correct only but complicated.
    4. No correction required
    Choice B

  6. CAT Sentence Correction

    As there was no place in the first compartment, he shifted to the second.

    1. As there was no room in the first compartment, he moved
    2. As there was no space in the first compartment, he shifted
    3. As there was no seat in the first compartment, he moved
    4. No correction required
    Choice A

  7. CAT Sentence Correction

    Whoever is chosen as the new chief, it is likely to continue many of the policies that the incumbent holds dear.

    1. Whoever is chosen as the new chief, they are
    2. Whomever is chosen as the new chief, he is
    3. Whoever is chosen as the new chief is
    4. No correction required
    Choice C

  8. CAT Sentence Correction

    The cricketer, whose record is exemplary, bagged an eight-year endorsement contract with a sportswear giant.

    1. who’s record is exemplary, bagged eight years’ endorsement contract
    2. who’s record is exemplary, bagged eight year’s endorsement contract
    3. whose record is exemplary, bagged an eight-years endorsement contract
    4. No correction required
    Choice D

  9. CAT Sentence Correction

    Whether or not the rumors are true is besides the point.

    1. the rumors are true are beside the point.
    2. the rumors are true is beside the point.
    3. the rumors are true are besides the point.
    4. No correction required
    Choice B

  10. CAT Sentence Correction

    If I was the prime minister of the country, I will make economic growth, poverty eradication and tax reform my top priorities.

    1. If I was the prime minister of the country, I would
    2. If I were the prime minister of the country, I will
    3. If I were the prime minister of the country, I would
    4. No correction required
    Choice C

  11. CAT Sentence Correction

    Actual evidence of misconduct may not be the most important criteria to determine whether a President gets impeached.

    1. the most important criteria to determining the impeachment of a President.
    2. the most important criterion in determining whether a President gets impeached.
    3. the most important criterion to determine if a President gets impeached.
    4. the most important criteria for determining the impeachment of a President.
    Choice B

  12. CAT Sentence Correction

    The decision to pull the US out from the Paris agreement by the president drew heavy criticism within the US and internationally, including China, which swiftly recommitted itself to the agreement forged with the previous administration.

    1. The decision to pull the US out of the Paris agreement by the president drew heavy criticism within the US and internationally, including China,
    2. The decision by the president to pull the US out off the Paris agreement drew heavy criticism within the US and internationally, including China,
    3. The president’s decision to pull the US out of the Paris agreement drew heavy criticism within the US and internationally, including China,
    4. The president’s decision to pull the US out of the Paris agreement drew heavy criticism within the US and internationally, including in China,
    Choice D

  13. CAT Sentence Correction

    One of the problems that occur as a result of coal mining is the increasing incidences of lung cancer.

    1. that occurs as a result of coal mining are the increasing incidences
    2. that occurs as a result of coal mining is the increasing incidence
    3. that occur as a result of coal mining are the increasing incidences
    4. that occur as a result of coal mining is the increasing incidence
    Choice D

  14. CAT Sentence Correction

    Germany’s NATO Framework Nation Concept is a ground-breaking project that serves both to increase European military capacity within NATO and create an European defence force that could eventually stand on its own.

    1. both serves to increase European military capacity within NATO and create a European defence force that could eventually stand on its own.
    2. both serves to increase European military capacity within NATO and to create an European defence force that could eventually stand on its own.
    3. serves to both increase European military capacity within NATO and create an European defence force that could eventually stand on its own.
    4. serves both to increase European military capacity within NATO and to create a European defence force that could eventually stand on its own.
    Choice D

  15. CAT Sentence Correction

    The sheer number of cars on the roads has all but paralyzed the traffic in the city.

    1. The sheer number of cars on the roads have
    2. The shear number of cars on the roads have
    3. The shear number of cars on the roads has
    4. No correction required
    Choice D

  16. CAT Sentence Correction

    Being an industry expert, I was hoping if there were some tips you can give me on how to succeed as an entrepreneur.

    1. Being an industry expert, I was hoping that you could give me some tips
    2. As you are an industry expert, I was hoping if you could give me some tips
    3. Being that you are an industry expert, I was hoping if you could give me some tips
    4. As you are an industry expert, I was hoping that you could give me some tips
    Choice D

  17. CAT Sentence Correction

    Fighting a rising tide of illegal fishing, four boats poaching sea cucumbers and other marine life caught in their waters have been set on fire by the island nation.

    1. the island nation has set fire on four boats caught poaching sea cucumbers and other marine life in their waters.
    2. four boats caught poaching sea cucumbers and other marine life in their waters have been set on fire by the island nation.
    3. the island nation has set fire to four boats caught poaching sea cucumbers and other marine life in its waters.
    4. the island nation has set fire to four boats poaching sea cucumbers and other marine life caught in their waters.
    Choice C

  18. CAT Sentence Correction

    Researchers have recently discovered a bacteria, Ideonella sakaiensis, in a recycling plant that eats one of the most common forms of plastic.

    1. a bacteria, Ideonella sakaiensis, that eats one of the most common forms of plastic in a recycling plant.
    2. Ideonella sakaiensis, a bacteria that eats one of the most common forms of plastic, in a recycling plant.
    3. a bacterium that eats one of the most common forms of plastic, Ideonella sakaiensis, in a recycling plant.
    4. Ideonella sakaiensis, a bacterium that eats one of the most common forms of plastic, in a recycling plant.
    Choice D

  19. CAT Sentence Correction

    My mother bought ice creams for my brother and me, but she didn’t buy one herself.

    1. for my brother and me, but she didn’t buy one for herself.
    2. for my brother and myself, but she didn’t buy herself one.
    3. for my brother and I, but she didn’t buy one for her.
    4. for my brother and I, but she didn’t buy one for herself.
    Choice A

  20. CAT Sentence Correction

    The striking panorama of elegantly-restored Baroque buildings along the Elbe provides evidence of why Dresden, a city all but wiped of the map by Allied bombings in 1945, was called the “Florence on the Elbe” once.

    1. provide evidence of why Dresden, a city all but wiped off the map by Allied bombings in 1945, was once called the “Florence on the Elbe.”
    2. provide evidence of why Dresden, a city all but wiped off the map in 1945 by Allied bombings, was called the “Florence on the Elbe” once.
    3. provides evidence of why Dresden, a city all but wiped of the map in 1945 by Allied bombings, was once called the “Florence on the Elbe”.
    4. provides evidence of why Dresden, a city all but wiped off the map by Allied bombings in 1945, was once called the “Florence on the Elbe”.
    Choice D

  21. CAT Sentence Correction

    Just as every generation believes it’s better than the others, so too does every country.

    1. believe they’re better than the others, every country believes it’s better too.
    2. believe they’re better than the others, so too does every country.
    3. believes its better than the others, every country believes so too.
    4. No correction required
    Choice D

  22. CAT Sentence Correction

    Remains of the tomb of the Ottoman sultan who died in 1566 while his troops were besieging the fortress of Szigetvar in Hungary, Suleiman the Magnificent, is believed to be found recently.

    1. the Ottoman sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, who died in 1566 while his troops were besieging the fortress of Szigetvar in Hungary, is believed to be found recently.
    2. the Ottoman sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, who died in 1566 while his troops were besieging the fortress of Szigetvar in Hungary, is believed as being found recently.
    3. Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman sultan who died in 1566 while his troops were besieging the fortress of Szigetvar in Hungary, is believed to have been found recently.
    4. Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman sultan who died in 1566 while his troops were besieging the fortress of Szigetvar in Hungary, are believed to have been found recently.
    Choice D

  23. CAT Sentence Correction

    Pack your own fare so that you’ll be less apt to give into temptation when your tummy rumbles.

    1. at giving into temptation when your tummy rumbles.
    2. to give in to temptation when your tummy rumbles.
    3. at giving in to temptation when your tummy rumbles.
    4. No correction required
    Choice B

  24. CAT Sentence Correction

    During flight, the combination of low air pressure and humidity in aircraft cabins reduce the sensitivity of our taste buds for salt and sweet by upto 30%.

    1. reduce the sensitivity of our taste buds to salt and sweet by upto 30%.
    2. reduces the sensitivity of our taste buds for salt and sweet by upto 30%.
    3. reduces the sensitivity of our taste buds to salt and sweet by up to 30%.
    4. reduces the sensitivity of our taste buds for salt and sweet by up to 30%.
    Choice C

  25. CAT Sentence Correction

    For a long time, scientists thought that the depths of the ocean, for the most parts, was devoid of life.

    1. the depth of the ocean, for the most parts, was devoid of life.
    2. the depths of the ocean, for the most parts, were devoid of life.
    3. the depth of the ocean, for the most part, was devoid of life.
    4. the depths of the ocean, for the most part, were devoid of life.
    Choice D

  26. CAT Sentence Correction

    British star Andy Murray has credited Pilates workouts for having a dramatic effect on his tennis.

    1. to have had a dramatic effect on his tennis.
    2. with having had a dramatic effect on his tennis.
    3. as having a dramatic effect on his tennis.
    4. for having had a dramatic effect on his tennis.
    Choice B

  27. CAT Sentence Correction

    The deal is contested by Kosovo’s opposition parties, saying it cedes territory to Montenegro, a claim the government rejects.

    1. Saying it cedes territory to Montenegro, the deal is contested by Kosovo’s opposition parties,
    2. Saying it cedes territory to Montenegro, Kosovo’s opposition parties contest the deal,
    3. The deal is contested by Kosovo’s opposition parties, which say it cedes territory to Montenegro,
    4. No correction required
    Choice C

  28. CAT Sentence Correction

    The President has, in particular, taken umbrage with critics of the party who live of the party’s largess.

    1. taken umbrage about critics of the party who live of the party’s largess.
    2. taken umbrage to critics of the party who live off the party’s largess.
    3. taken umbrage on critics of the party who live of the party’s largess.
    4. taken umbrage at critics of the party who live off the party’s largess.
    Choice D

  29. CAT Sentence Correction

    Although the theoretical merits of the breakthrough were recognized immediately, its practical application came to fruition only decades later.

    1. were recognized immediately, their practical application came to fruition only decades later.
    2. was recognized immediately, its practical application came to fruition only decades later.
    3. were recognized immediately, their practical applications came to fruition only decades later.
    4. No correction required
    Choice (D)

  30. CAT Sentence Correction

    Even as the fans fight between themselves, the captain, as well as the players, are anxious about the upcoming match.

    1. amid themselves, the captain, as well as the players, is anxious about the upcoming match.
    2. amongst themselves, the captain, as well as the players, are anxious about the upcoming match.
    3. within themselves, the captain, as well as the players, are anxious about the upcoming match.
    4. among themselves, the captain, as well as the players, is anxious about the upcoming match.
    Choice D

  31. CAT Sentence Correction

    The committee has insisted that he recuse himself from the ongoing investigations, whether he is re-elected or not.

    1. have insisted that he recuses himself from the ongoing investigations, whether he is re-elected or not.
    2. has insisted that he recuses himself from the ongoing investigations, whether or not he is re-elected.
    3. has insisted that he recuses himself from the ongoing investigations, whether he is re-elected or not.
    4. No correction required
    Choice D

  32. CAT Sentence Correction

    Though disposing of nuclear waste remains a concern, nuclear plants are often subsidized because of the steady, carbon-free power provided.

    1. off nuclear waste remains a concern, nuclear plants are often subsidized because of the steady, carbon-free power provided.
    2. of nuclear waste remains a concern, nuclear plants are often subsidized because of the steady, carbon-free power they provide.
    3. off nuclear waste remains a concern, nuclear plants are often subsidized because of the steady, carbon-free power they provide.
    4. No correction required
    Choice B

  33. CAT Sentence Correction

    The position of the tiny hyoid bone in our jaws give us fine muscular control over our mouth and tongue, enabling one to make as many as a hundred distinct speech sounds.

    1. give one fine muscular control over one's mouth and tongue, enabling one
    2. give us fine muscular control over our mouth and tongue, enabling us
    3. gives us fine muscular control over our mouth and tongue, enabling us
    4. gives us fine muscular control over our mouths and tongues, enabling us
    Choice D

  34. CAT Sentence Correction

    In a world of tight budgets, recycling content is not so much an option rather a necessity.

    1. not so much an option but rather a necessity.
    2. not so much an option as a necessity.
    3. not so much an option but a necessity.
    4. not so much an option but also a necessity.
    Choice B

  35. CAT Sentence Correction

    Most people cope up with anxiety by reaching for food rather then deal with their feelings.

    1. cope up with anxiety by reaching for food rather than deal with their feelings.
    2. cope up with anxiety by reaching for food rather than dealing with their feelings.
    3. cope with anxiety by reaching for food rather than deal with their feelings.
    4. cope with anxiety by reaching for food rather than dealing with their feelings.
    Choice D

  36. CAT Sentence Correction

    Mother dolphins whistle to their calves frequently after birth so that the calves will learn recognising their distinctive whistle.

    1. learn recognising their distinctive whistle.
    2. learn to recognise their distinctive whistle.
    3. will learn to recognise their distinctive whistle.
    4. learn to recognise their mother's distinctive whistle.
    Choice D

  37. CAT Sentence Correction

    I have met the director yesterday, and he assured me that he will help if you will ask him.

    1. have met the director yesterday, and he assured me that he will help if you ask him.
    2. met the director yesterday, and he assured me that he will help if you ask him.
    3. met the director yesterday, and he assured me that he will help if you will ask him.
    4. No correction required
    Choice B

  38. CAT Sentence Correction

    Many a thrilling discovery in mice has fizzled in humans.

    1. thrilling discoveries in mice has fizzled in humans.
    2. thrilling discoveries in mice have fizzled in humans.
    3. thrilling discovery in mice have fizzled in humans.
    4. No correction required
    Choice D

  39. CAT Sentence Correction

    Despite the company's poor performance, its chief executive has continued to receive a generous pay, which far exceeds his counterparts.

    1. it's chief executive has continued receiving a generous pay, which far exceeds his counterparts.
    2. its chief executive has continued to receive a generous pay, which far exceeds his counterparts'.
    3. it's chief executive has continued to receive a generous pay, which far exceeds his counterparts.
    4. No correction required
    Choice B

  40. CAT Sentence Correction

    Of all the suggestions received, his were more practical and cost-effective.

    1. his suggestions were more practical and cost-effective.
    2. the more practical and cost-effective suggestions were his.
    3. his were the most practical and cost-effective.
    4. No correction required
    Choice C

  41. CAT Sentence Correction

    The debris was removed from the building site and legally disposed of.

    1. were removed from the building site and legally disposed.
    2. were removed from the building site and legally disposed of.
    3. was removed from the building site and legally disposed.
    4. No correction required
    Choice D

  42. CAT Sentence Correction

    The question is not whether the stock market bubble will burst, but when.

    1. not whether the stock market bubble will burst or not, but when?
    2. not whether or not the stock market bubble will burst, but when?
    3. not whether the stock market bubble will burst, but when?
    4. No correction required
    Choice D

  43. CAT Sentence Correction

    New research suggests that cash grants to the poor is as good, if not better than, many traditional forms of aid when it comes to reducing poverty.

    1. is as good, if not better, than many traditional forms of aid when it comes to reducing poverty.
    2. are as good, if not better than, many traditional forms of aid when it comes to reducing poverty.
    3. are as good as, if not better than, many traditional forms of aid when it comes to reducing poverty.
    4. are as good as, if not better, than many traditional forms of aid when it comes to reducing poverty.
    Choice C

  44. CAT Sentence Correction

    Had it not been for the chieftain's tireless efforts, the dispute will not have resolved.

    1. Had it not been for the chieftain's tireless efforts, the dispute would not have been resolved.
    2. If it had not been for the chieftain's tireless efforts, the dispute will not have resolved.
    3. If it had not been for the chieftain's tireless efforts, the dispute would not have resolved.
    4. No correction required
    Choice A

  45. CAT Sentence Correction

    Sold on the black market for a dollar apiece, thieves target avocado orchards as they can easily pick thousands of dollars’ worth of fruit in one night.

    1. Sold on the black market for a dollar a piece, thieves target avocado orchards, as they can easily pick thousands of dollars’
    2. Sold on the black market for a dollar a piece, thieves target avocado orchards as they can easily pick thousands of dollars
    3. Since avocados are sold on the black market for a dollar apiece, thieves target avocado orchards, as they can easily pick thousands of dollars’
    4. Since avocados are sold on the black market for a dollar a piece, thieves target avocado orchards as they can easily pick thousands of dollars
    Choice C

  46. CAT Sentence Correction

    If there was ever a time when critical thinking was a moral imperative, and credulity a calamitous sin, it is now.

    1. If there were ever times when critical thinking was a moral imperative,
    2. If there were ever a time when critical thinking is a moral imperative,
    3. If there was ever a time when critical thinking is a moral imperative,
    4. No corrections required
    Choice D

  47. The following questions are from IPMAT Rohtak and Indore sample papers. If you want to take these questions as a mock please click below.

    IPMAT Rohtak Sample Paper Mock
    IPMAT Indore Sample Paper Mock

    Please note that the explanation button will take you to the IPMAT solution page.

  48. IPMAT 2020 Sample Paper - IPM Rohtak Verbal Ability

    There is no more room for you in this compartment.

    1. there is no more seat
    2. there is no more space
    3. there is no more accommodation
    4. No improvement
    Choice D
    No improvement

  49. IPMAT 2020 Sample Paper - IPM Rohtak Verbal Ability

    If he would have tried he would have succeeded.

    1. is tried
    2. was tried
    3. had tried
    4. No improvement
    Choice C
    had tried

  50. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Indore Verbal

    The place where her father disappeared and the reason why he did are unknown to her.

    1. her father disappeared and the reason why he did
    2. where her father disappeared and the reason he did
    3. her father disappeared and the reason he did
    4. where her father disappeared and the reason why he did
    Choice B
    where her father disappeared and the reason he did

  51. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Indore Verbal

    Which team has the best record, yours or theirs?

    1. Which of the teams has the best record
    2. Which one of the teams has the best record
    3. Which one team has the better record
    4. Which team has the better record
    Choice D
    Which team has the better record

  52. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Indore Verbal

    After sensing a problem with the factory workers, the personnel officer demanded to know who the union leaders had contacted to conduct the petition drive.

    1. whom the union leaders had contacted
    2. who had the union leaders had contacted
    3. whom the union leaders have contacted
    4. who union leaders contacted
    Choice A
    whom the union leaders had contacted

  53. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Indore Verbal

    His wrongdoing was completely exposed, but not once he apologised for his actions.

    1. not once did he apologise
    2. never he made an apology
    3. not once did he give apology
    4. not once he made an apology
    Choice A
    not once did he apologise

  54. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Indore Verbal

    The Municipal Council can no longer wash its hands off its responsibilities.

    1. wash its hands from its
    2. wash their hands off their
    3. wash their hand of their
    4. wash its hands of its
    Choice B
    wash their hands off their

  55. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Indore Verbal

    The letter states that one can avail the service offered by the company till June 20,2019

    1. avail the service on offer from
    2. avail the service on offer by
    3. avail of the service offered by
    4. avail of the service offered from
    Choice B
    avail the service on offer by

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