A CAT Speed time distance & Races is one of the most commonly tested topics in CAT exam. Questions from CAT speed time distance and Races have appeared consistently in the CAT exam for the last several years. Speed Time Distance and Races is a very interesting topic, as it is relatable in real life scenarios. CAT exam also does not only check for formulaic knowledge in this idea, but also for strang fundamentals and application of the concepts involved. Races as an idea is built on CAT Speed time distance, Ratio proportions. One can usually expect 3-4 questions from these ideas in the CAT exam. Make use of 2IIMs Free CAT Questions, provided with detailed solutions and Video explanations to obtain a wonderful CAT score. If you would like to take these questions as a Quiz, head on here to take these questions in a test format, absolutely free.
Two friends A and B simultaneously start running around a circular track . They run in the same direction. A travels at 6 m/s and B runs at b m/s. If they cross each other at exactly two points on the circular track and b is a natural number less than 30, how many values can b take?
Consider a square ABCD. EFGH is another square obtained by joining the midpoints of the sides of the square ABCD where E, F , G amd H are the midpoints of AB, BC, CD and DA respectively. Lakshman and Kanika start from points B and D respectively at speeds โlโ kmph and โkโ kmph respectively and travel towards each other along the sides of the square ABCD. Jagadeesh starts from Point E and travels along the Square EFGH in the anti-clockwise direction at โjโ kmph. Lakshman and Kanika meet for the second time at H where Jagadeesh also meets them for the first time. If l : k : j is 1: 3 : 5โ2 then the distance travelled by Jagadeesh is
Three cars leave A for B in equal time intervals. They reach B simultaneously and then leave for Point C which is 240 km away from B. The first car arrives at C an hour after the second car. The third car, having reached C, immediately turns back and heads towards B. The first and the third car meet a point that is 80 km away from C. What is the difference between the speed of the first and the third car?
Three friends A, B and C decide to run around a circular track. They start at the same time and run in the same direction. A is the quickest and when A finishes a lap, it is seen that C is as much behind B as B is behind A. When A completes 3 laps, C is the exact same position on the circular track as B was when A finished 1 lap. Find the ratio of the speeds of A, B and C?
Mr. X decides to travel from Delhi to Gurgaon at a uniform speed and decides to reach Gurgaon after T hr. After 30 km, there is some engine malfunction and the speed of the car becomes (4/5)th of the original speed. So, he travels the rest of the distance at a constant speed (4/5)th of the original speed and reaches Gurgaon 45 minutes late. Had the same thing happened after he travelled 48 km, he would have reached only 36 minutes late. What is the distance between Delhi and Gurgaon?
Two friends A and B leave City P and City Q simultaneously and travel towards Q and P at constant speeds. They meet at a point in between the two cities and then proceed to their respective destinations in 54 minutes and 24 minutes respectively. How long did B take to cover the entire journey between City Q and City P?
A swimming pool is of length 50 m. A and B enter a 300 m race starting simultaneously at one end of the pool at speeds of 3 m/s and 5 m/s. How many times will they meet while travelling in opposite directions before B completes the race?
Car A trails car B by 50 meters. Car B travels at 45km/hr. Car C travels from the opposite direction at 54km/hr. Car C is at a distance of 220 meters from Car B. If car A decides to overtake Car B before cars B and C cross each other, what is the minimum speed at which car A must travel?
A and B stand at distinct points of a circular race track of length 120m. They run at speeds of a m/s and b m/s respectively. They meet for the first time 16 seconds after they start the race and for the second time 40 seconds from the time they start the race. Now, if B had started in the opposite direction to the one he had originally started, they would have meet for the first time after 40 seconds. If B is quicker than A, find Bโs speed.
City A to City B is a downstream journey on a stream which flows at a speed of 5km/hr. Boats P and Q run a shuttle service between the two cities that are 300 kms apart. Boat P, which starts from City A has a still-water speed of 25km/hr, while boat Q, which starts from city B at the same time has a still-water speed of 15km/hr. When will the two boats meet for the first time? (this part is easy) When and where will they meet for the second time?
Cities M and N are 600km apart. Bus A starts from city M towards N at 9AM and bus B starts from city N towards M at the same time. Bus A travels the first one-third of the distance at a speed of 40kmph, the second one-third at 50kmph and the third one-third at 60kmph. Bus B travels the first one-third of the total time taken at a speed of 40kmph, the second one-third at 50kmph and the third one-third at 60kmph. When and where will the two buses cross each other?
A car of length 4m wants to overtake a trailer truck of length 20m travelling at 36km/hr within 10 seconds. At what speed should the car travel?
Train A travelling at 63 kmph takes 27 to sec to cross Train B when travelling in opposite direction whereas it takes 162 seconds to overtake it when travelling in the same direction. If the length of train B is 500 meters, find the length of Train A.
P cycles at a speed of 4 m/s for the first 8 seconds, 5 m/s for the next 8 seconds, 6 m/s for the next 8 and so on. Q cycles at a constant speed of 6.5 m/s throughout. If P and Q had to cycle for a 436 m race, how much lead in terms of distance, can P give Q and still finish at the same time as Q?
A bus starts from a bus stop P and goes to another bus stop Q. In between P and Q, there is a bridge AB of certain length. A man is standing at a point C on the bridge such that AC:CB = 1:3. When the bus starts at P and if the man starts running towards A, he will meet the bus at A. But if he runs towards B, the bus will overtake him at B. Which of the following is true?
Ramesh takes 6.5 hours to go from city A to city B at 3 different speeds 30 kmph, 45 kmph, and 60 kmph covering the same distance with each speed. The respective mileages per liter of fuel are 11 km, 14 km and 18 km for the above speeds. Ramesh's friend Arun is an efficient driver and wants to minimise his friend's car's fuel consumption. So he decides to drive Ramesh's car one day from city A to city B. How much fuel will he be able to save?
Amar, Akbar and Antony decide to have a 'x' m race. Antony completes the race 14 m ahead of Amar. Akbar finishes 20 m ahead of Antony and 32 m ahead of Amar. What is Amarโs speed?
Tom, Jerry and Bill start from point A at the same time in their cars to go to B. Tom reaches point B first and turns back and meets Jerry at a distance of 9 miles from B. When Jerry reaches B, he too turns back and meets Bill at a distance of 7 miles from B. If 3 times the speed with which Tom drives his car is equal to 5 times Billโs speed, what could be the distance between the points A and B?
Kumar started from Chennai at x hrs y minutes and travelled to Vellore. He reached Vellore at y hrs z minutes. If the total travel time was z hrs and x minutes, his starting time in Chennai could have been ______ (Assume clock format to be 0 to 24 hrs).
When Sourav increases his speed from 20 Km/hr to 25 Km/hr, he takes one hour less than the usual time to cover a certain distance. What is the distance usually covered by him?
Distance between the office and the home of Alok is 100 Km. One day, he was late by an hour than the normal time to leave for the office, so he increased his speed by 5 Km/hr and reached office at the normal time. What is the changed speed of Alok?
Akash when going slower by 15 Km/hr, reaches late by 45 hours. If he goes faster by 10 Km/hr from his original speed, he reaches early by 20 hours than the original time. Find the distance he covers.
Raj was travelling to his hometown from Mumbai. He met with a small accident 80 Km away from Mumbai and continued the remaining journey at 4/5 of his original speed and reached his hometown 1 hour and 24 minutes late. If he had met with the accident 40 Km further, he would have been an hour late.
Two persons A and B start moving at each other from point P and Q respectively which are 1400 Km apart. Speed of A is 50 Km/hr and that of B is 20 Km/hr. How far is A from Q when he meets B for the 22nd time?
Two persons A and B start moving from point P towards Q which are 1400 Km apart. Speed of A is 50 Km/hr and that of B is 20 Km/hr. How far is A from Q when he meets B for the 22nd time?
Two trains A and B are 100 m and 150 m long and are moving at one another at 54 Km/hr and 36 Km/hr respectively. Arun is sitting on coach B1 of train A. Calculate the time taken by Arun to completely cross Train B.
Two trains left from two stations P and Q towards station Q and station P respectively. 3 hours after they met, they were 675 Km apart. First train arrived at its destination 16 hours after their meeting and the second train arrived at its destination 25 hours after their meeting. How long did it take for the first train to make the whole trip?
Arjun travels from A to B, a distance of 200 Km at the speed of 40 Km/hr. At the same time, Rakesh starts from point B at a speed of 20 Km/hr along a road which is perpendicular to AB. Find the time in which Arjun & Rakesh will be closer to each other?
The Questions that follow, are from actual CAT papers. If you wish to take them separately or plan to solve actual CAT papers at a later point in time, It would be a good idea to stop here.
A boat takes 2 hours to travel downstream a river from port A to port B, and 3 hours to return to port A. Another boat takes a total of 6 hours to travel from port B to port A and return to port B. If the speeds of the boats and the river are constant, then the time, in hours, taken by the slower boat to travel from port A to port B is
Ravi is driving at a speed of 40 km/h on a road. Vijay is 54 meters behind Ravi and driving in the same direction as Ravi. Ashok is driving along the same road from the opposite direction at a speed of 50 km/h and is 225 meters away from Ravi. The speed, in km/h, at which Vijay should drive so that all the three cross each other at the same time, is
Brishti went on an 8-hour trip in a car. Before the trip, the car had travelled a total of x km till then, where x is a whole number and is palindromic, i.e., x remains unchanged when its digits are reversed. At the end of the trip, the car had travelled a total of 26862 km till then, this number again being palindromic. If Brishti never drove at more than 110 km/h, then the greatest possible average speed at which she drove during the trip, in km/h, was
The minor angle between the hours hand and minutes hand of a clock was observed at 8:48am. The minimum duration, in minutes, after 8.48 am when this angle increases by 50% is
Arvind travels from town A to town B, and Surbhi from town B to town A, both starting at the same time along the same route. After meeting each other, Arvind takes 6 hours to reach town B while Surbhi takes 24 hours to reach town A. If Arvind travelled at a speed of 54 km/h, then the distance, in km, between town A and town B is
Two cars travel from different locations at constant speeds. To meet each other after starting at the same time, they take 1.5 hours if they travel towards each other, but 10.5 hours if they travel in the same direction. If the speed of the slower car is 60 km/hr, then the distance traveled, in km, by the slower car when it meets the other car while traveling towards each other, is
Moody takes 30 seconds to finish riding an escalator if he walks on it at his normal speed in the same direction. He takes 20 seconds to finish riding the escalator if he walks at twice his normal speed in the same direction. If Moody decides to stand still on the escalator, then the time, in seconds, needed to finish riding the escalator is
Two ships are approaching a port along straight routes at constant speeds. Initially, the two ships and the port formed an equilateral triangle with sides of length 24 km. When the slower ship travelled 8 km, the triangle formed by the new positions of the two ships and the port became right-angled. When the faster ship reaches the port, the distance, in km, between the other ship and the port will be
Two ships meet mid-ocean, and then, one ship goes south and the other ship goes west, both travelling at constant speeds. Two hours later, they are 60 km apart. If the speed of one of the ships is 6 km per hour more than the other one, then the speed, in km per hour, of the slower ship is
Trains A and B start traveling at the same time towards each other with constant speeds from stations X and Y, respectively. Train A reaches station Y in 10 minutes while train B takes 9 minutes to reach station X after meeting train A. Then the total time taken, in minutes, by train B to travel from station Y to station X is
Mira and Amal walk along a circular track, starting from the same point at the same time. If they walk in the same direction, then in 45 minutes, Amal completes exactly 3 more rounds than Mira. If they walk in opposite directions, then they meet for the first time exactly after 3 minutes. The number of rounds Mira walks in one hour is
Two trains A and B were moving in opposite directions, their speeds being in the ratio 5 : 3. The front end of A crossed the rear end of B 46 seconds after the front ends of the trains had crossed each other. It took another 69 seconds for the rear ends of the trains to cross each other. The ratio of length of train A to that of train B is
Two trains cross each other in 14 seconds when running in opposite directions along parallel tracks. The faster train is 160 m long and crosses a lamp post in 12 seconds. If the speed of the other train is 6 km/hr less than the faster one, its length, in m, is
Anil, Sunil, and Ravi run along a circular path of length 3 km, starting from the same point at the same time, and going in the clockwise direction. If they run at speeds of 15 km/hr, 10 km/hr, and 8 km/hr, respectively, how much distance in km will Ravi have run when Anil and Sunil meet again for the first time at the starting point?
A and B are two railway stations 90 km apart. A train leaves A at 9:00 am, heading towards B at a speed of 40 km/hr. Another train leaves B at 10:30 am, heading towards A at a speed of 20 km/hr. The trains meet each other at
Vimla starts for office every day at 9 am and reaches exactly on time if she drives at her usual speed of 40 km/hr. She is late by 6 minutes if she drives at 35 km/hr. One day, she covers two-thirds of her distance to office in one-thirds of her usual time to reach office, and then stops for 8 minutes. The speed, in km/hr, at which she should drive the remaining distance to reach office exactly on time is
In a car race, car A beats car B by 45 km, car B beats car C by 50 km, and car A beats car C by 90 km. The distance (in km) over which the race has been conducted is
The distance from B to C is thrice that from A to B. Two trains travel from A to C via B. The speed of train 2 is double that of train 1 while traveling from A to B and their speeds are interchanged while traveling from B to C. The ratio of the time taken by train 1 to that taken by train 2 in travelling from A to C is
Two circular tracks T1 and T2 of radii 100 m and 20 m, respectively touch at a point A. Starting from A at the same time, Ram and Rahim are walking on track T1 and track T2 at speeds 15 km/hr and 5 km/hr respectively. The number of full rounds that Ram will make before he meets Rahim again for the first time is
A and B are two points on a straight line. Ram runs from A to B while Rahim runs from B to A. After crossing each other, Ram and Rahim reach their destinations in one minutes and four minutes, respectively. If they start at the same time, then the ratio of Ram's speed to Rahim's speed is
A train travelled at one-thirds of its usual speed, and hence reached the destination 30 minutes after the scheduled time. On its return journey, the train initially travelled at its usual speed for 5 minutes but then stopped for 4 minutes for an emergency. The percentage by which the train must now increase its usual speed so as to reach the destination at the scheduled time, is nearest to
A straight road connects points A and B. Car 1 travels from A to B and Car 2 travels from B to A, both leaving at the same time. After meeting each other, they take 45 minutes and 20 minutes, respectively, to complete their journeys. If Car 1 travels at the speed of 60 km/hr, then the speed of Car 2, in km/hr, is
Two persons are walking beside a railway track at respective speeds of 2 and 4 km per hour in the same direction. A train came from behind them and crossed them in 90 and 100 seconds, respectively. The time, in seconds, taken by the train to cross an electric post is nearest to
Leaving home at the same time, Amal reaches office at 10:15 am if he travels at 8kmph, and at 9:40 am if he travels at 15kmph. Leaving home at 9:10 am, at what speed, in kmph, must he travel so as to reach office exactly at 10:00 am?
A cyclist leaves A at 10 am and reaches B at 11 am. Starting from 10:01 am, every minute a motorcycle leaves A and moves towards B. Forty-five such motorcycles reach B by 11 am. All motorcycles have the same speed. If the cyclist had doubled his speed, how many motorcycles would have reached B by the time the cyclist reached B?
John jogs on track A at 6 kmph and Mary jogs on track B at 7.5 kmph. The total length of tracks A and B is 325 metres. While John makes 9 rounds of track A, Mary makes 5 rounds of track B. In how many seconds will Mary make one round of track A? [TITA]
Two ants A and B start from a point P on a circle at the same time, with A moving clock-wise and B moving anti-clockwise. They meet for the first time at 10:00 am when A has covered 60% of the track. If A returns to P at 10:12 am, then B returns to P at
Two cars travel the same distance starting at 10:00 am and 11:00 am, respectively, on the same day. They reach their common destination at the same point of time. If the first car travelled for at least 6 hours, then the highest possible value of the percentage by which the speed of the second car could exceed that of the first car is
In a race of three horses, the first beat the second by 11 metres and the third by 90 metres. If the second beat the third by 80 metres, what was the length, in metres, of the racecourse? [TITA]
One can use three different transports which move at 10, 20, and 30 kmph, respectively. To reach from A to B, Amal took each mode of transport 1/3 of his total journey time, while Bimal took each mode of transport 1/3 of the total distance. The percentage by which Bimal's travel time exceeds Amal's travel time is nearest to
The wheels of bicycles A and B have radii 30 cm and 40 cm, respectively. While traveling a certain distance, each wheel of A required 5000 more revolutions than each wheel of B. If bicycle B traveled this distance in 45 minutes, then its speed, in km per hour, was
Points A, P, Q and B lie on the same line such that P, Q and B are, respectively, 100 km, 200 km and 300 km away from A. Cars 1 and 2 leave A at the same time and move towards B. Simultaneously, car 3 leaves B and moves towards A. Car 3 meets Car 1 at Q, and Car 2 at P. If each car is moving in uniform speed then the ratio of the speed of Car 2 to that of Car 1 is
On a long stretch of east-west road, A and B are two points such that B is 350 km west of A. One car starts from A and another from B at the same time. If they move towards each other, then they meet after 1 hour. If they both move towards east, then they meet in 7 hrs. The difference between their speeds, in km per hour, is (TITA)
Points A and B are 150 km apart. Cars 1 and 2 travel from A to B, but car 2 starts from A when car 1 is already 20 km away from A. Each car travels at a speed of 100 kmph for the first 50 km, at 50 kmph for the next 50 km, and at 25 kmph for the last 50 km. The distance, in km, between car 2 and B when car 1 reaches B is (TITA)
The distance from A to B is 60 km. Partha and Narayan start from A at the same time and move towards B. Partha takes four hours more than Narayan to reach B. Moreover, Partha reaches the mid-point of A and B two hours before Narayan reaches B. The speed of Partha, in km per hour, is
Point P lies between points A and B such that the length of BP is thrice that of AP. Car 1 starts from A and moves towards B. Simultaneously, car 2 starts from B and moves towards A. Car 2 reaches P one hour after car 1 reaches P. If the speed of car 2 is half that of car 1, then the time, in minutes, taken by car 1 in reaching P from A is:[TITA]
Train T leaves station X for station Y at 3 pm. Train S, traveling at three quarters of the speed of T, leaves Y for X at 4 pm. The two trains pass each other at a station Z, where the distance between X and Z is three-๏ฌfths of that between X and Y. How many hours does train T take for its journey from X to Y? [TITA]
In a 10 km race. A, B, and C, each running at uniform speed, get the gold, silver, and bronze medals, respectively. If A beats B by 1 km and B beats C by 1 km, then by how many metres does A beat C? [TITA]
Arun drove from home to his hostel at 60 miles per hour. While returning home he drove half way along the same route at a speed of 25 miles per hour and then took a bypass road which increased his driving distance by 5 miles, but allowed him to drive at 50 miles per hour along this bypass road. If his return journey took 30 minutes more than his onward journey, then the total distance travelled by him is:
A motorbike leaves point A at 1 pm and moves towards point B at a uniform speed. A car leaves point B at 2 pm and moves towards point A at a uniform speed which is double that of the motorbike. They meet at 3:40 pm at a point which is 168 km away from A. What is the distance, in km, between A and B?
A man leaves his home and walks at a speed of 12 km per hour, reaching the railway station 10 minutes after the train had departed. If instead he had walked at a speed of 15 km per hour, he would have reached the station 10 minutes before the train's departure. The distance (in km) from his home to the railway station is: (TITA)
A man travels by a motor boat down a river to his office and back. With the speed of the river unchanged, if he doubles the speed of his motor boat, then his total travel time gets reduced by 75%. The ratio of the original speed of the motor boat to the speed of the river is:
The Questions that follow, are from actual XAT papers. If you wish to take them separately or plan to solve actual XAT papers at a later point in time, It would be a good idea to stop here.
A flight, traveling to a destination 11,200 kms away, was supposed to take off at 6:30
AM. Due to bad weather, the departure of the flight got delayed by three hours. The
pilot increased the average speed of the airplane by 100 km/hr from the initially
planned average speed, to reduce the overall delay to one hour.
Had the pilot
increased the average speed by 350 km/hr from the initially planned average speed,
when would have the flight reached its destination?
A group of boys is practising football in a rectangular ground. Raju and Ratan are
standing at the two opposite mid-points of the two shorter sides. Raju has the ball, who
passes it to Rivu, who is standing somewhere on one of the longer sides. Rivu holds the
ball for 3 seconds and passes it to Ratan. Ratan holds the ball for 2 seconds and passes
it back to Raju. The path of the ball from Raju to Rivu makes a right angle with the
path of the ball from Rivu to Ratan. The speed of the ball, whenever passed, is always
10 metre per second, and the ball always moves on straight lines along the ground.
Consider the following two additional pieces of information:
I. The
dimension of the ground is 80 metres ร 50 metres.
II. The area of the triangle formed
by Raju, Rivu and Ratan is 1000 square metres.
Consider the problem of
computing the following: how many seconds does it take for Raju to get the ball back
since he passed it to Rivu? Choose the correct option.
The problem below consists of a question and two statements numbered 1 & 2.
You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to
answer the question.
Rahim is riding upstream on a boat, from point A to
B, at a constant speed. The distance from A to B is 30 km. One minute after Rahim leaves
from point A, a speedboat starts from point A to go to point B. It crosses
Rahimโs boat after 4 minutes. If the speed of the speedboat is constant from A to
B, what is Rahimโs speed in still water?
1. The speed of the speedboat in
still water is 30 km/hour.
2. Rahim takes three hours to reach point B from point A.
Swati can row a boat on still water at a speed of 5 km/hr. However, on a given river, it takes her 1 hour more to row the boat 12 km upstream than downstream. One day, Swati rows the boat on this river from X to Y, which is N km upstream from X. Then she rows back to X immediately. If she takes at least 2 hours to complete this round trip, what is the minimum possible value of N?
On the bank of the pristine Tunga river, a deer and a tiger are joyfully playing with each other. The deer notices that it is 40 steps away from the tiger and starts running towards it. At the same time, the tiger starts running away from the deer. Both run on the same straight line. For every five steps the deer takes, the tiger takes six. However, the deer takes only two steps to cover the distance that the tiger covers in three. In how many steps can the deer catch the tiger?
Four friends, Ashish, Brian, Chaitra, and Dorothy, decide to jog for 30 minutes inside a stadium with a circular running track that is 200 metres long. The friends run at different speeds. Ashish completes a lap exactly every 60 seconds. Likewise, Brian, Chaitra and Dorothy complete a lap exactly every 1 minute 30 seconds, 40 seconds and 1 minute 20 seconds respectively. The friends begin together at the start line exactly at 4 p.m. What is the total of the numbers of laps the friends would have completed when they next cross the start line together?
Two friends, Ram and Shyam, start at the same point, at the same time. Ram travels straight north at a speed of 10km/hr, while Shyam travels straight east at twice the speed of Ram. After 15 minutes, Shyam messages Ram that he is just passing by a large telephone tower and after another 15 minutes Ram messages Shyam that he is just passing by an old banyan tree. After some more time has elapsed, Ram and Shyam stop. They stop at the same point of time. If the straight-line distance between Ram and Shyam now is 50 km, how far is Shyam from the banyan tree (in km)? (Assume that Ram and Shyam travel on a flat surface.)
A hare and a tortoise run between points O and P located exactly 6 km from each other on a straight line. They start together at O, go straight to P and then return to O along the same line. They run at constant speeds of 12 km/hr and 1 km/hr respectively. Since the tortoise is slower than the hare, the hare shuttles between O and P until the tortoise goes once to P and returns to O. During the run, how many times are the hare and the tortoise separated by an exact distance of 1 km from each other?
Every day a person walks at a constant speed, V1 for 30 minutes. On a particular day, after
walking for 10 minutes at V1 , he rested for 5 minutes. He finished the remaining distance of his
regular walk at a constant speed, V2 , in another 30 minutes. On that day, find the ratio of
V2 and his average speed
(i.e., total distance covered /total time taken including resting
A girl travels along a straight line, from point A to B at a constant speed, V1 meters/sec for T seconds. Next, she travels from point B to C along a straight line, at a constant speed of V2 meters/sec for another T seconds. BC makes an angle 105ยฐ with AB. If CA makes an angle 30ยฐ with BC, how much time will she take to travel back from point C to A at a constant speed of V2 meters/sec, if she travels along a straight line from C to A?
The Questions that follow, are from actual IPMAT papers. If you wish to take them separately or plan to solve actual IPMAT papers at a later point in time, It would be a good idea to stop here.
Study the data given below and answer the following questions. The pie charts shown below shows the distance covered by a boat moving upstream and downstream indifferent days of a week. And the table shows the speed of stream in km/hr. in different days of a week.
If the time taken by boat to travel upstream on Wednesday is 67 times than the time taken to travel downstream on Monday and the speed of boat in still water on Monday is 15 kmph then find the speed of boat in still water on Wednesday? ( speed of boat in still water is different for different days)
If the time taken by boat to travel upstream on Monday is 2715 hrs. more than the time taken by it to travel downstream on the same day, then find the speed of boat in still water on Monday ?(speed of boat in still water is same in upstream as in downstream)
If the speed of boat in still water on Saturday was 27 km/hr and the speed of boat in still water on Wednesday was 6623% more than that of Saturday and time taken to travel upstream on Wednesday is 1613 times than time taken by it to travel downstream on Saturday, then find the speed of stream (in kmph) on Saturday?
The speed of boat in still water on Saturday was 21 km/hr. and that on Sunday was 2847% more than that on Saturday, if the time taken by boat to travel upstream on Saturday is 212 times the time taken to travel downstream on Sunday, then find the time taken by the boat to cover a distance of 125 km upstream on Saturday?
If the time taken by boat to travel upstream on Friday is 30 hours more than the time taken by it to travel downstream on Wednesday and the speed of boat in still water on Friday is 17 kmph, then find the upstream speed of boat on Wednesday? (speed of boat in still water is different on different days)
Train A takes 45 minutes more than train B to travel 450 km. Due to engine trouble, speed of train B falls by a quarter. So it takes 30 minutes more than Train A to complete the same journey. Find the speed of Train A.
A boatman goes 2 km against the current of the stream in 1 hour and goes 1 km along the current in 10 minutes. How long will it take to go 5 km in stationary water?
Guru and Chela walk around a circular path of 115 km in circumference, they start together from the same point. If they walk at speed of 4 and 5 kmph respectively, also they walk in the same direction, when will they meet?
Two friends run a 3-kilometer race along a circular course of length 300 meters. If their speeds are in the ratio 3:2, the number of times the winner passes the other is __________.
Two small insects, which are x metres apart, take u minutes to pass each other when they are flying towards each other, and v minutes to meet each other when they are flying in the same direction. Then, the ratio of the speed of the slower insect to that of the faster insect is
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