CAT Questions | CAT Arithmetic

CAT Quantitative Aptitude | CAT Pipes and Cisterns; Time and Work

CAT Pipes and Cisterns Problems ; Time and Work Questions are one of the most commonly tested topics in CAT exam. One can usually expect 2-3 questions from these ideas in the CAT exam. CAT questions from Pipes and Cisterns; Time and Work will test the application of concepts than just formulas. Make use of 2IIMs Free CAT Questions, provided with detailed solutions and Video explanations to obtain a wonderful CAT score. If you would like to take these questions as a Quiz, head on here to take these questions in a test format, absolutely free.

  1. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Fill Pipes and Drain Pipes

    A drain pipe can drain a tank in 12 hours, and a fill pipe can fill the same tank in 6 hours. A total of n pipes – which include a few fill pipes and the remaining drain pipes – can fill the entire tank in 2 hours. How many of the following values could ‘n’ take?

    1. 24
    2. 16
    3. 33
    4. 13
    5. 9
    6. 8

    1. 3
    2. 4
    3. 2
    4. 1
    Choice A

  2. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Three Pipes

    Pipe A, B and C are kept open and together fill a tank in t minutes. Pipe A is kept open throughout, pipe B is kept open for the first 10 minutes and then closed. Two minutes after pipe B is closed, pipe C is opened and is kept open till the tank is full. Each pipe fills an equal share of the tank. Furthermore, it is known that if pipe A and B are kept open continuously, the tank would be filled completely in t minutes. How long will it take C alone to fill the tank ?

    1. 18
    2. 36
    3. 27
    4. 24
    Choice D

  3. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Three Pipes Tough

    Pipe A fills a tank at the rate of 100lit/min, Pipe B fills at the rate of 25 lit/min, pipe C drains at the rate of 50 lit/min. The three pipes are kept open for one minute each, one after the other. If the capacity of the tank is 7000 liters, how long will it take to fill the tank if

    1. A is kept open first, followed by B and then C.
    2. B first, followed by A, and then C.
    3. B first, followed by C, and then A.
    1. 279.25 mins, 280 mins and 280 mins
    2. 280 mins, 280 mins and 279.25 mins
    3. 279 mins, 280 mins and 279.25 mins
    4. 277 mins, 277 mins 45 sec and 279 mins
    Choice D
    277 mins, 277 mins 45 sec and 279 mins

  4. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Time and Work

    4 men and 6 women complete a task in 24 days. If the women are at least half as efficient as the men, but not more efficient than the men, what is the range of the number of days for 6 women and 2 men to complete the same task?

    1. 30 to 33.6 days
    2. 32 to 35 days
    3. 33.6 to 35 days
    4. 30 to 35 days
    Choice A
    30 to 33.6 days

  5. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Fill pipes and drain pipes

    A fill pipe can fill a tank in 20 hours, a drain pipe can drain a tank in 30 hours. If a system of n pipes (fill pipes and drain pipes put together) can fill the tank in exactly 5 hours, which of the following are possible values of n (More than one option could be correct)?

    1. 32
    2. 54
    3. 29
    4. 40
    1. 1 and 2 only
    2. 1 and 3 only
    3. 2 and 4 only
    4. 2 and 3 only
    Choice D
    2 and 3 only

  6. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Time and Work - Algebra

    Consider three friends A, B and C who work at differing speeds. When the slowest two work together they take n days to finish a task. When the quickest two work together they take m days to finish a task. One of them, if he worked alone would take thrice as much time as it would take when all three work together. How much time would it take if all three worked together?

    1. \\frac{3mn}{2(m + n)}\\)
    2. \\frac{2mn}{m + n}\\)
    3. \\frac{4mn}{3(m + n)}\\)
    4. \\frac{5mn}{3(m + n)}\\)
    Choice C
    \\frac{4mn}{3(m + n)}\\)

  7. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Pipes Cisterns - Filling Tank

    Pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 30, 60 and 120 minutes respectively. Pipes B and C are kept open for 10 minutes, and then Pipe B is shut while Pipe A is opened. Pipe C is closed 10 minutes before the tank overflows. How long does it take to fill the tank?

    1. 40 minutes
    2. 28 minutes
    3. 30 minutes
    4. 36 minutes
    Choice C
    30 minutes

  8. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Pipes Cisterns - Work and Time

    B takes 12 more days than A to finish a task. B and A start this task and A leaves the task 12 days before the task is finished. B completes 60% of the overall task. How long would B have taken to finish the task if he had worked independently?

    1. 48 days
    2. 36 days
    3. 28 days
    4. 32 days
    Choice B
    36 days

  9. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Time and Work

    A and B together can finish a task in 12 days. If A worked half as efficiently as he usually does and B works thrice as efficiently as he usually does, the task gets completed in 9 days. How long would A take to finish the task if he worked independently?

    1. 12 days
    2. 24 days
    3. 27 days
    4. 18 days
    Choice D
    18 days

  10. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Work and Time

    B takes 12 more hours than A to complete a task. If they work together, they take 16 fewer hours than B would take to complete the task. How long will it take A and B together to complete a task twice as difficult as the first one?

    1. 16 hrs
    2. 12 hrs
    3. 14 hrs
    4. 18 hrs
    Choice A
    16 hrs

  11. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Pipe flow rate

    Pipe A can fill a tank in 12 hours. When it works along with Pipe B, it can fill the tank in 8 hours. In how many hours can pipe B fill the same tank independently?

    1. 8 hrs
    2. 12 hrs
    3. 24 hrs
    4. 16 hrs
    Choice C
    24 hrs

  12. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Work and Time

    Number of units of a good that can be produced by a factory is directly proportional to the square of the number of workers, square root of the number of machines and to the number of hours put in. The factory produces 200 goods when 4 people work for 8 hours each with 4 machines. When 3 people work for 12 hours each with 9 machines, how many goods will be produced?

    1. 253.125
    2. \\frac{100}{163}\\)
    3. \\frac{25}{256}\\)
    4. \\frac{16}{29}\\)
    Choice A

  13. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Time and Work

    A can complete a task in 12 days. B can complete the task in 18 days. If A and B work on this same task in alternate days starting with A, in how many days do they finish the entire task?

    1. 10.8 days
    2. 14.33 days
    3. 11 days
    4. 8.4 days
    Choice B
    14.33 days

  14. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Time and Work

    A can complete a task 4 hours lesser time than B takes to complete the same. If A and B together can complete the task in 288 minutes, how long does B alone take to complete the task?

    1. 1 hr
    2. 2 hrs
    3. 3 hrs
    4. 12 hrs
    Choice D
    12 hrs

  15. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Pipe Leakage

    A Two pipes can fill a tank in 12 hrs and 18 hrs respectively. The pipes are opened together but due to a pipe leakage , it takes 48 minutes extra to fill the tank, If the tank is full, what time will it take to completely empty due to the leakage.

    1. 72 hrs
    2. 84 hrs
    3. 96 hrs
    4. 112 hrs
    Choice A
    72 hrs

  16. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Pipes

    A cistern of capacity 40 litres has an inlet and an outlet pipe. When both the pipes are opened at once, it takes 8 minutes to fill the cistern. However, if the outflow rate is increased 1.5 times, the cistern never gets filled. Which of the following can be the outflow rate?

    1. 8 litres/minute
    2. 6 litres/minute
    3. 12 litres/minute
    4. 9 litres/minute
    Choice C
    12 litres/minute

  17. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Two Pipes

    A cistern of 475 litres is completely filled using pipes A and B, with Pipe A being open for 5 more hours than pipe B. If we are to interchange the operating hours of the two pipes than pipe A would have pumped half the water as much as pipe B, then find the time for which pipe B was open. Also, given that if the two pipes were open simultaneously the tank would fill in 19 hours.

    1. 10 hrs
    2. 14 hrs
    3. 16 hrs
    4. 20 hrs
    Choice C
    16 hrs

  18. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Mining

    A mining team made a plan to mine up to 300 m in a certain number of days. After working as per plan for 5 days, they added new members to the team and hence could mine 5 m more per day. In this way, 4 days before the planned date, they had mined 295 m. How many meters of mining was initially planned for each day?

    1. 30 m
    2. 12.5 m
    3. 15 m
    4. 7.5 m
    Choice C
    15 m

  19. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Watering A Garden

    Ajay and Suraj can water a garden in 45 minutes and 40 minutes respectively. They started working together but after some time Ajay left to watch a cricket match. Suraj hurriedly finished the work in next 23 minutes and joined Ajay. After how many minutes had Ajay left?

    1. 9 min
    2. 8 min
    3. 7 min
    4. 10 min
    Choice A
    9 min

  20. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Fetching Water

    Bibhor takes 3 hours to fetch as much water as Ahmed can fetch in 2 hours. Deepak takes 5 hours to fetch as much water as Bibhor can fetch in 4 hours. A tank takes 20 hours to fill if all work together. What time would Bibhor take to fill the tank alone?

    1. 50 hrs
    2. 56 hrs
    3. 77 hrs
    4. 66 hrs
    Choice D
    66 hrs

  21. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Laying Wires

    Anuj, Bibhuti and Chandu can lay 432 m of wires together in 8 days. In a day, Chandu can lay as many more meters of wire than Bibhuti as Bibhuti can lay more than Anuj. Chandu’s 5 days of work is equivalent to Anuj’s 7 days of work. How many meters of wire can Anuj alone lay in a day?

    1. 9 m
    2. 15 m
    3. 18 m
    4. 21 m
    Choice B
    15 m

  22. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Typing Pages

    A certain number of pages need to be typed. A, B and C are assigned to do this job. However, C leaves after 4 days when 40% of the job was complete. In this way, it takes 13 days to finish the job. Also, B can type twice as fast as A. How much would the fastest worker take to type the entire set of pages alone?

    1. 22.5 days
    2. 45 days
    3. 30 days
    4. 20 days
    Choice A
    22.5 days

  23. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Toys

    A, B and C are to make 100 toys. In a day, they can together make 25 toys. A starts to work alone and makes 32 toys in some days. A then leaves and B and C works to make the remaining toys. It takes 8 days overall to make the 100 toys. How many days will it take for A to make 256 toys alone?

    1. 16 days
    2. 32 days
    3. 64 days
    4. 30 days
    Choice B
    32 days

  24. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Amar, Akbar and Anthony

    Amar, Akbar and Anthony set out to complete a work. Anthony being the eldest would take 1 day less than Amar if he were to complete the work alone. All three together could complete the work in a day. However, Anthony was kidnapped by Shakal. Amar and Akbar began the work in his absence. After a day, Amar was also kidnapped. Akbar took 3 more days to finish the work. How much portion of the work Anthony could do in a day?

    1. \\frac{2}{3}\\)
    2. \\frac{1}{6}\\)
    3. \\frac{1}{2}\\)
    4. \\frac{1}{3}\\)
    Choice C

  25. CAT Pipes and Cisterns: Iphone 16s

    It’s year 2025 and iphone16 has just been launched. Apple has claimed that it is the best iphone they have created so far. It’s 4 charging inlets have completely revolutionized the mobile market. If only top and bottom inlets are used, it takes 20 mins to fully charge. If the right, left and bottom inlet are used, it takes 15 mins to fully charge. If top, left and right inlets are used, it takes 12 mins to charge. What is the fastest possible time in which the iphone16 can be fully charged?

    1. 12 min
    2. 8 min
    3. 11 min
    4. 10 min
    Choice D
    10 min

The Questions that follow, are from actual CAT papers. If you wish to take them separately or plan to solve actual CAT papers at a later point in time, It would be a good idea to stop here.

  1. CAT 2023 Slot 3 - QA

    Rahul, Rakshita and Gurmeet, working together, would have taken more than 7 days to finish a job. On the other hand, Rahul and Gurmeet, working together would have taken less than 15 days to finish the job. However, they all worked together for 6 days, followed by Rakshita, who worked alone for 3 more days to finish the job. If Rakshita had worked alone on the job then the number of days she would have taken to finish the job, cannot be

    1. 17
    2. 21
    3. 16
    4. 20
    Choice B

  2. CAT 2023 Slot 3 - QA

    Gautam and Suhani, working together, can finish a job in 20 days. If Gautam does only 60% of his usual work on a day, Suhani must do 150% of her usual work on that day to exactly make up for it. Then, the number of days required by the faster worker to complete the job working alone is


    1. CAT 2023 Slot 2 - QA

      Pipes A and C are fill pipes while Pipe B is a drain pipe of a tank. Pipe B empties the full tank in one hour less than the time taken by Pipe A to fill the empty tank. When pipes A, B and C are turned on together, the empty tank is filled in two hours. If pipes B and C are turned on together when the tank is empty and Pipe B is turned off after one hour, then Pipe C takes another one hour and 15 minutes to fill the remaining tank. If Pipe A can fill the empty tank in less than five hours, then the time taken, in minutes, by Pipe C to fill the empty tank is

      1. 90
      2. 60
      3. 120
      4. 75
      Choice A

    2. CAT 2023 Slot 1 - QA

      The amount of job that Amal, Sunil and Kamal can individually do in a day, are in harmonic progression. Kamal takes twice as much time as Amal to do the same amount of job. If Amal and Sunil work for 4 days and 9 days, respectively, Kamal needs to work for 16 days to finish the remaining job. Then the number of days Sunil will take to finish the job working alone, is


      1. CAT 2022 Slot 3 - QA

        Bob can finish a job in 40 days, if he works alone. Alex is twice as fast as Bob and thrice as fast as Cole in the same job. Suppose Alex and Bob work together on the first day, Bob and Cole work together on the second day, Cole and Alex work together on the third day, and then, they continue the work by repeating this three-day roster, with Alex and Bob working together on the fourth day, and so on. Then, the total number of days Alex would have worked when the job gets finished, is

      2. CAT 2022 Slot 3 - QA

        A group of \(N\) people worked on a project. They finished \(35 \%\) of the project by working 7 hours a day for 10 days. Thereafter, 10 people left the group and the remaining people finished the rest of the project in 14 days by working 10 hours a day. Then the value of \(N\) is

        1. 23
        2. 140
        3. 36
        4. 150
        Choice B

      3. CAT 2022 Slot 2 - QA

        Working alone, the times taken by Anu, Tanu and Manu to complete any job are in the ratio 5 : 8 : 10. They accept a job which they can finish in 4 days if they all work together for 8 hours per day. However, Anu and Tanu work together for the first 6 days, working 6 hours 40 minutes per day. Then, the number of hours that Manu will take to complete the remaining job working alone is

      4. CAT 2021 Slot 3 - QA

        Anil can paint a house in 12 days while Barun can paint it in 16 days. Anil, Barun, and Chandu undertake to paint the house for ₹ 24000 and the three of them together complete the painting in 6 days. If Chandu is paid in proportion to the work done by him, then the amount in INR received by him is

          Correct: 60.92%
          Incorrect: 21.88%
          Unattempted: 17.2%

        1. CAT 2021 Slot 3 - QA

          One day, Rahul started a work at 9 AM and Gautam joined him two hours later. They then worked together and completed the work at 5 PM the same day. If both had started at 9 AM and worked together, the work would have been completed 30 minutes earlier. Working alone, the time Rahul would have taken, in hours, to complete the work is

          1. 12
          2. 11.5
          3. 12.5
          4. 10
          Choice D
          Correct: 32.6%
          Incorrect: 16.88%
          Unattempted: 50.52%

        2. CAT 2021 Slot 2 - QA

          Anil can paint a house in 60 days while Bimal can paint it in 84 days. Anil starts painting and after 10 days, Bimal and Charu join him. Together, they complete the painting in 14 more days. If they are paid a total of ₹ 21000 for the job, then the share of Charu, in INR, proportionate to the work done by him, is

          1. 9000
          2. 9100
          3. 9200
          4. 9150
          Choice B
          Correct: 45.19%
          Incorrect: 13.46%
          Unattempted: 41.35%

        3. CAT 2021 Slot 2 - QA

          Two pipes A and B are attached to an empty water tank. Pipe A fills the tank while pipe B drains it. If pipe A is opened at 2 pm and pipe B is opened at 3 pm, then the tank becomes full at 10 pm. Instead, if pipe A is opened at 2 pm and pipe B is opened at 4 pm, then the tank becomes full at 6 pm. If pipe B is not opened at all, then the time, in minutes, taken to fill the tank is

          1. 140
          2. 120
          3. 144
          4. 264
          Choice C
          Correct: 35.01%
          Incorrect: 15.6%
          Unattempted: 49.39%

        4. CAT 2021 Slot 1 - QA

          Amar, Akbar and Anthony are working on a project. Working together Amar and Akbar can complete the project in 1 year, Akbar and Anthony can complete in 16 months, Anthony and Amar can complete in 2 years. If the person who is neither the fastest nor the slowest works alone, the time in months he will take to complete the project is

            Correct: 36.7%
            Incorrect: 36.28%
            Unattempted: 27.02%

          1. CAT 2021 Slot 1 - QA

            Anu, Vinu and Manu can complete a work alone in 15 days, 12 days and 20 days, respectively. Vinu works everyday. Anu works only on alternate days starting from the first day while Manu works only on alternate days starting from the second day. Then, the number of days needed to complete the work is

            1. 8
            2. 6
            3. 5
            4. 7
            Choice D
            Correct: 61.31%
            Incorrect: 21.79%
            Unattempted: 16.9%

          2. CAT 2020 Question Paper Slot 3 - Work & time

            A contractor agreed to construct a 6 km road in 200 days. He employed 140 persons for the work. After 60 days, he realized that only 1.5 km road has been completed. How many additional people would he need to employ in order to finish the work exactly on time?

          3. CAT 2020 Question Paper Slot 2 - Work & time

            John takes twice as much time as Jack to finish a job. Jack and Jim together take one-thirds of the time to finish the job than John takes working alone. Moreover, in order to finish the job, John takes three days more than that taken by three of them working together. In how many days will Jim finish the job working alone?

          4. CAT 2019 Question Paper Slot 2 - Work & time

            Anil alone can do a job in 20 days while Sunil alone can do it in 40 days. Anil starts the job, and after 3 days, Sunil joins him. Again, after a few more days, Bimal joins them and they together finish the job. If Bimal has done 10% of the job, then in how many days was the job done?

            1. 13
            2. 12
            3. 15
            4. 14
            Choice A

          5. CAT 2019 Question Paper Slot 2 - Work & time

            John gets Rs 57 per hour of regular work and Rs 114 per hour of overtime work. He works altogether 172 hours and his income from overtime hours is 15% of his income from regular hours. Then, for how many hours did he work overtime? [TITA]


          6. CAT 2019 Question Paper Slot 1 - Work, time

            At their usual efficiency levels, A and B together finish a task in 12 days. If A had worked half as efficiently as she usually does, and B had worked thrice as efficiently as he usually does, the task would have been completed in 9 days. How many days would A take to finish the task if she works alone at her usual efficiency?

            1. 18
            2. 12
            3. 24
            4. 36
            Choice A

          7. CAT 2019 Question Paper Slot 1 - Work, time

            Three men and eight machines can finish a job in half the time taken by three machines and eight men to finish the same job. If two machines can finish the job in 13 days, then how many men can finish the job in 13 days? [TITA]


          8. CAT 2018 Question Paper Slot 2 - Pipes & Cisterns

            A tank is emptied everyday at a fixed time point. Immediately thereafter, either pump A or pump B or both start working until the tank is full. On Monday, A alone completed filling the tank at 8 pm. On Tuesday, B alone completed filling the tank at 6 pm. On Wednesday, A alone worked till 5 pm, and then B worked alone from 5 pm to 7 pm, to fill the tank. At what time was the tank filled on Thursday if both pumps were used simultaneously all along?

            1. 4 : 12 PM
            2. 4 : 24 PM
            3. 4 : 48 PM
            4. 4 : 36 PM
            Choice B
            4 : 24 PM

          9. CAT 2018 Question Paper Slot 2 - Work & Time

            Ramesh and Ganesh can together complete a work in 16 days. After seven days of working together, Ramesh got sick and his efficiency fell by 30%. As a result, they completed the work in 17 days instead of 16 days. If Ganesh had worked alone after Ramesh got sick, in how many days would he have completed the remaining work?

            1. 12
            2. 14.5
            3. 13.5
            4. 11
            Choice C

          10. CAT 2018 Question Paper Slot 2 - Pipes & Cisterns

            A water tank has inlets of two types A and B. All inlets of type A when open, bring in water at the same rate. All inlets of type B, when open, bring in water at the same rate. The empty tank is completely filled in 30 minutes if 10 inlets of type A and 45 inlets of type B are open, and in 1 hour if 8 inlets of type A and 18 inlets of type B are open. In how many minutes will the empty tank get completely filled if 7 inlets of type A and 27 inlets of type B are open? (TITA)

            48 minutes

          11. CAT 2018 Question Paper Slot 1 - Work and Time

            When they work alone, B needs 25% more time to finish a job than A does. They two finish the job in 13 days in the following manner: A works alone till half the job is done, then A and B work together for four days, and finally B works alone to complete the remaining 5% of the job. In how many days can B alone finish the entire job?

            1. 16
            2. 22
            3. 20
            4. 18
            Choice C

          12. CAT 2018 Question Paper Slot 1 - Work and Time

            Humans and robots can both perform a job but at different efficiencies. Fifteen humans and five robots working together take thirty days to finish the job, whereas five humans and fifteen robots working together take sixty days to finish it. How many days will fifteen humans working together (without any robot) take to finish it?

            1. 40
            2. 32
            3. 36
            4. 45
            Choice B

          13. CAT 2018 Question Paper Slot 1 - Pipes & Cisterns

            A tank is fitted with pipes, some filling it and the rest draining it. All filling pipes fill at the same rate, and all draining pipes drain at the same rate. The empty tank gets completely filled in 6 hours when 6 filling and 5 draining pipes are on, but this time becomes 60 hours when 5 filling and 6 draining pipes are on. In how many hours will the empty tank get completely filled when one draining and two filling pipes are on? [TITA]


          14. CAT 2017 Question Paper Slot 2 - Pipes & Cisterns

            A tank has an inlet pipe and an outlet pipe. If the outlet pipe is closed then the inlet pipe fills the empty tank in 8 hours. If the outlet pipe is open then the inlet pipe fills the empty tank in 10 hours. If only the outlet pipe is open then in how many hours the full tank becomes half-full?

            1. 20
            2. 30
            3. 40
            4. 45
            Choice A

          15. CAT 2017 Question Paper Slot 2 - Work and Time

            Amal can complete a job in 10 days and Bimal can complete it in 8 days. Amal, Bimal and Kamal together complete the job in 4 days and are paid a total amount of Rs 1000 as remuneration. If this amount is shared by them in proportion to their work, then Kamal's share, in rupees, is

            1. 100
            2. 200
            3. 300
            4. 400
            Choice A

          16. CAT 2017 Question Paper Slot 1 - Pipes & Cisterns

            A person can complete a job in 120 days. He works alone on Day 1. On Day 2, he is joined by another person who also can complete the job in exactly 120 days. On Day 3, they are joined by another person of equal efficiency. Like this, everyday a new person with the same efficiency joins the work. How many days are required to complete the job? (TITA)


          The Questions that follow, are from actual XAT papers. If you wish to take them separately or plan to solve actual XAT papers at a later point in time, It would be a good idea to stop here.

          1. XAT 2020 Question Paper - QADI

            X, Y, and Z are three software experts, who work on upgrading the software in a number of identical systems. X takes a day off after every 3 days of work, Y takes a day off after every 4 days of work and Z takes a day off after every 5 days of work.
            Starting afresh after a common day off,
            i) X and Y working together can complete one new upgrade job in 6 days
            ii) Z and X working together can complete two new upgrade jobs in 8 days
            iii) Y and Z working together can complete three new upgrade jobs in 12 days
            If X, Y and Z together start afresh on a new upgrade job (after a common day off), exactly how many days will be required to complete this job?

            1. 2 days
            2. 3.5 days
            3. 2.5 days
            4. 4 days
            5. 5 days
            Choice C2.5 days

          2. XAT 2018 Question Paper - QADI

            Abdul, Bimal, Charlie and Dilbar can finish a task in 10, 12, 15 and 18 days respectively. They can either choose to work or remain absent on a particular day. If 50 percent of the total work gets completed after 3 days, then, which of the following options is possible?

            1. Each of them worked for exactly 2 days.
            2. Bimal and Dilbar worked for 1 day each, Charlie worked for 2 days and Abdul worked for all 3 days.
            3. Abdul and Charlie worked for 2 days each, Dilbar worked for 1 day and Bimal worked for all 3 days.
            4. Abdul and Dilbar worked for 2 days each, Charlie worked for 1 day and Bimal worked for all 3 days.
            5. Abdul and Charlie worked for 1 day each, Bimal worked for 2 days and Dilbar worked for all 3 days.
            Choice E
            Abdul and Charlie worked for 1 day each, Bimal worked for 2 days and Dilbar worked for all 3 days.

          The Questions that follow, are from actual IPMAT papers. If you wish to take them separately or plan to solve actual IPMAT papers at a later point in time, It would be a good idea to stop here.

          1. IPMAT 2020 Sample Paper - IPM Rohtak Quants

            Two pipes P and Q can fill a tank in 20hrs and 25hrs respectively while a third pipe R can empty the tank in 30hrs. If all the pipes are opened together for 10hrs and then pipe R is closed then in what time the tank can be filled.

            1. \\frac{400}{23}\\) hrs
            2. \\frac{400}{27}\\) hrs
            3. \\frac{200}{23}\\) hrs
            4. \\frac{200}{27}\\) hrs
            Choice B
            \\frac{400}{27}\\) hrs

          2. IPMAT 2020 Sample Paper - IPM Rohtak Quants

            Work done by P in one day is double the work done by Q in one day and work done by Q in one day is thrice the work done by R in one day. If P, Q and R together can complete the work in 30 days then in how many days P alone can do the work?

            1. 52 days
            2. 42 days
            3. 30 days
            4. 50 days
            Choice D
            50 days

          3. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Rohtak Quants

            In a factory there are three types of machines b1, b2, and b3 which produces 20%, 15%, and 32% of the total products respectively. Further, machines b1, b2, and b3 which produces 3%, 7%, and 2% defective products respectively. Find the percentage of non-defective products?

            1. 46%
            2. 30%
            3. 53%
            4. 64%
            Choice D

          4. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Rohtak Quants

            Imagine that there are four hundred and fifty nine managers in a hotel. If the number of managers is enlarged by 36, the expenses of the food increased by Rs. eighty one per day while the average spending per head decreased by one. Find the original spending of the hotel on food?

            1. 7344
            2. 7244
            3. 7044
            4. 7444
            Choice A

          5. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Indore Quants

            Three workers working together need 1 hour to construct a wall. The first worker, working alone, can construct the wall twice as fast at the third worker, and can complete the task an hour sooner than the second worker. Then, the average time in hours taken by the three workers, when working alone, to construct the wall is

            1. \\frac{√33 + 4}{3})
            2. \\frac{√33 + 5}{3})
            3. \\frac{√33 + 6}{3})
            4. \\frac{√33 + 7}{3})
            Choice A
            \\frac{√33 + 4}{3})

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