CAT Questions | CAT LR DI

Logical Reasoning for CAT | LR: Grid Puzzle

CAT DI LR section has become increasingly tough beginning from 2015. However, Understanding the basics of Bar graphs, Pie Charts, Multiple graphs, Line Graphs etc forms an integral part of solving tougher CAT level DI LR questions for the CAT Exam. Make use of 2IIMs Free CAT Questions, provided with detailed solutions and Video explanations to obtain a wonderful CAT score. If you would like to take these questions as a Quiz, head on here to take these questions in a test format, absolutely free.

Logical Reasoning for CAT: Grid Puzzle

Embarassing Task

5 teams A, B, C, D, and E participate in a tournament where they have to perform 5 embarrassing tasks like preparing for CAT and XAT. The tasks are numbered from 1 to 5. Each tasks has an interesting pointsโ€™ scheme โ€“ the team finishing the task first receives 50 points, the team finishing second receives 40 points, third one gets 30 points, 4th placed team receives 20 points and the one that finishes last receives 10 points. If a team does not finish the task in the stipulated 60 minutes, it gets 0 points. Further, for every minute โ€˜savedโ€™, a team gets an additional point. As in, if a team finishes second and finishes the task in 53 minutes, the team will get 40 + 7 = 47 points.

Thankfully, all teams finished all tasks within the stipulated 60 minutes.

The times taken by the teams to finish the tasks are given in the table provided below, with some numbers being omitted.

CAT Logical Reasoning: Grid Puzzle

We know that team D won the overall championship with an overall score of 286 points, while team B ended last with an overall score of 178 points. It is known that a total of 254 points were scored in game 1. Game 3 was the toughest where only a total number of 193 points were scored. Total number of points scored is 1126.

  1. CAT LR DI Grid Puzzle

    How many minutes does C take for game 1?

    41 minutes

  2. CAT LR DI Grid Puzzle

    How many minutes does A take for game 4?

    48 minutes

  3. CAT LR DI Grid Puzzle

    How many minutes does B take for game 2?

    26 minutes

  4. CAT LR DI Grid Puzzle

    How many minutes does D take for game 5?

    51 minutes

  5. CAT LR DI Grid Puzzle

    What is the total number of points scored by A?

    196 points

The Questions that follow, are from actual XAT papers. If you wish to take them separately or plan to solve actual XAT papers at a later point in time, It would be a good idea to stop here.

  1. XAT 2020 Question Paper - QADI

    Read the information given below and answer the 3 associated questions.

    During 2015-2019, the revenues of four companies P-S were as follows:

    Revenue(in Lakh Rupees)
    YEAR P Q R S
    2015 150 125 150 100
    2016 175 140 160 120
    2017 200 180 180 140
    2018 250 210 200 170
    2019 250 220 240 180

    Which of the given companies has seen the highest year-on-year growth (inpercentage) in any single year during this five-year period?

    1. R
    2. Q
    3. S
    4. P
    5. There was a tie among multiple companies
    Choice B

  2. XAT 2020 Question Paper - QADI

    It was discovered later that one of the companies misreported its revenue of one of the years. If the misreported revenue is replaced by the correct revenue, the revenues of that company over the five-year period will be in an arithmetic progression. The company that misreported its revenue was

    1. S only
    2. P or S
    3. P only
    4. R or S
    5. P or R
    Choice B
    P or S

  3. XAT 2020 Question Paper - QADI

    During the period from 2014 to 2015, the revenue increased by 25% for three of the companies and by 50% for the remaining company. The total increase in revenue, for all four companies put together, was Rs. 125 lakhs.
    Which of the following CANNOT be true?

    1. The 2014 revenues of P and R cannot be determined uniquely
    2. From 2014 to 2015, the increases in revenues of at least two companies were the same
    3. From 2014 to 2015, the revenues of P and R increased by different amounts
    4. The company that experienced the 50% increase in revenue also experienced the maximum increase in revenue in absolute terms
    5. The revenue of Q in 2014 was the same as the revenue of R in 2014
    Choice B
    From 2014 to 2015, the increases in revenues of at least two companies were the same

  4. XAT 2019 Question Paper - QADI

    Given below is the time table for a trans-continental train that cuts across several time zones. All timings are in local time in the respective cities. The average speed of the train between any two cities is the same in both directions.

    Train Time Table

    Which of the following pairs of cities are in the same time zone?

    1. Yag and Vaq
    2. Vaq and Sab
    3. Zut and Yag
    4. No pair of cities are in the same time zone.
    5. Sab and Raz
    Choice C
    Zut and Yag

  5. XAT 2019 Question Paper - QADI

    What is the total time taken in minutes by the train to go from Zut to Raz?

    1. 22 hours, 40 minutes
    2. 28 hours, 40 minutes
    3. 16 hours, 40 minutes
    4. 20 hours, 40 minutes
    5. 24 hours, 40 minutes
    Choice A
    22 hours, 40 minutes

  6. XAT 2019 Question Paper - QADI

    What time is it at Yag when it is 12:00 noon at Sab?

    1. 5:00 PM
    2. 12:00 Noon
    3. 9:30 AM
    4. 7:00 AM
    5. 2:30 PM
    Choice A
    5:00 PM

  7. XAT 2018 Question Paper - QADI

    Six teams are playing in a hockey tournament where each team is playing against every other team exactly once. At an intermediate stage, the status is as follows:

    Teams No. of
    No. of
    No. of
    No. of
    scored by
    the team
    conceded by
    the team
    Team A 2 2 0 0 5 1
    Team B 2 1 0 1 5 1
    Team C 2 1 0 1 2 0
    Team D 2 0 0 2 1 1
    Team E 2 0 2 0 1 4
    Team F 2 0 2 0 0 7

    1. The team that scores more goals than it concedes wins the match, while if both the teams score the same no. of goals, the match is declared drawn.
    2. In a match played between Team X and Team Y , if team Xscores 1 and concedes none, then the score line would read: Team X-Team Y (1-0).

    Which of the following matches are yet to be played?

    1. Team A โ€“ Team B and Team C โ€“ Team D
    2. Team C โ€“ Team D and Team E โ€“ Team F
    3. Team E โ€“ Team F and Team B โ€“ Team D
    4. Team C โ€“ Team D and Team A โ€“ Team E
    5. Team A โ€“ Team B and Team E โ€“ Team F
    Choice E
    Team A โ€“ Team B and Team E โ€“ Team F

  8. XAT 2018 Question Paper - QADI

    Which of the following score line is a possible outcome in the tournament?/p>

    1. Team A โ€“ Team D (1-0)
    2. Team A โ€“ Team E (2-1)
    3. Team B โ€“ Team D (1-0)
    4. Team C โ€“ Team F (2-0)
    5. None of the above
    Choice B
    Team A โ€“ Team E (2-1)

  9. XAT 2018 Question Paper - QADI

    Which of the following score line is not a possible outcome in the tournament?

    1. Team A โ€“ Team F (4-0)
    2. Team B โ€“ Team F (4-0)
    3. Team C โ€“ Team D (0-0)
    4. Team C โ€“ Team E (2-0)
    5. All of the above options are possible
    Choice A
    Team A โ€“ Team F (4-0)

The Questions that follow, are from actual IPMAT papers. If you wish to take them separately or plan to solve actual IPMAT papers at a later point in time, It would be a good idea to stop here.

  1. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Indore Quants

    The table below represents the buy and sell prices of five stocks during the five trading days of a given week. The quoted sell price is the price at which an investor can sell a stock in the market. The quoted buy price is the price at which an investor can buy a stock from the market. All the quoted numbers are in Indian Rupees.


    If an investor had Rs 36,00,000 to invest in any particular single stock, and she could buy the stock only on Monday and sell it off only on Fridav. then the stock she should buy on Monday to earn the maximum possible profit during the week is

    1. Marico
    2. HUL
    3. ITC
    4. Britannia
    Choice A

  2. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Indore Quants

    If an investor planned to invest Rs 36,00,000 in purchasing the stocks of HUL on Monday, sell them off on Wednesday and use the entire proceeds to purchase the stocks of Britannia on the same day and sell them off again on Friday, then the total investment return during the week would be

    1. 2.80 percent
    2. 3.00 percent
    3. 3.20 percent
    4. 3.40 percent
    Choice C
    3.20 percent

  3. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Indore Quants

    The difference between the quoted buy and sell price of a stock is referred to as the spread of the stock. The average spread of the stocks is lowest on

    1. Monday
    2. Tuesday
    3. Thursday
    4. Friday
    Choice A

  4. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Indore Quants

    A brokerage firm charges 0.1 percent trading commission on the value of shares bought or sold through its trading platform. If an investor bought 1000 shares of Britannia on Tuesday, and sold all of them on Thursday, then the total brokerage fee that will be charged from the investor is

    1. 6,125
    2. 6,126
    3. 6,127
    4. 6,128
    Choice B

  5. IPMAT 2020 Question Paper - IPM Indore Quants

    If you had decided to invest Rs.36,00,000 worth of ITC stocks on Monday, then the day of the week you should choose to sell the stocks to earn the maximum possible profit would be

    1. Tuesday
    2. Wednesday
    3. Thursday
    4. Friday
    Choice D

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