CAT DI LR section has become increasingly tough beginning from 2015. However, Understanding the basics of Bar graphs, Pie Charts, Multiple graphs, Line Graphs etc forms an integral part of solving tougher CAT level DI LR questions for the CAT Exam. Make use of 2IIMs Free CAT Questions, provided with detailed solutions and Video explanations to obtain a wonderful CAT score. If you would like to take these questions as a Quiz, head on here to take these questions in a test format, absolutely free.
Godliness Inc, a religious firm run by good Samaritans likes to plant clues about its revenue numbers so that its employees get a near spiritual aha moment while uncovering them.
The company has 5 divisions P, Q, R, S and T. The year 2012 was declared the year of Satan as the company saw a revenue decline of 2.727% in that year. Apart from this year, the company saw a good half-decade from 2010 to 2014.
The 2010 and 2014 revenue break-ups are as follows. Total revenues in 2010 was Rs. 1000 crores and the company saw a 28% growth in revenue over the period from 2010 to 2014.
The yoy growth rates seen in 2014 are given in the table below
The revenue numbers added per division in 2012 are given in the chart shown below
The break-up of revenues added in 2011 are as shown below. Note that this pie chart gives the break-up of the total revenues ADDED in the year 2011 and not the total revenues of the year 2011. This merely charts the increments.
What was the total revenue in Rs. crores in 2012?
Which year saw the highest percentage growth in revenues?
What were the revenues in in Rs. Crores division Q in 2011?
What were the revenues in in Rs. Crores division R in 2012?
How many crores of revenues did division T add in the year 2013?
The Questions that follow, are from actual XAT papers. If you wish to take them separately or plan to solve actual XAT papers at a later point in time, It would be a good idea to stop here.
The graphs below represent the performance of four professors, across years, measured on four variables: Percentage of time spent on teaching, percentage of time spent on research, feedback (on a scale of 10, right-hand side) and number of publications (right-hand side). Assume that the cumulative time spent per year on research and teaching activities are same for all four professors and each of them taught only one course of 90 classroom hours.
Which of the following, shows the maximum year to year percentage growth in feedback?
Count the number of instances in which "annual decreasing efforts in research" is accompanied with "annual increase in feedback"?
Research efficiency is the ratio of cumulative number of publication for a period of 3 years to the cumulative number of hours spent on research activity in those 3 years. Which of the following professors is the least efficient researcher for the period 2015 to 2017?
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