CAT Questions | CAT LR DI

Logical Reasoning for CAT | CAT DI LR questions

Solve this DILR Question on Chessboard from CAT 2017. This set is on the easier spectrum of questions that appear in CAT DILR Section. You are expected to answer the questions that follow, based on the simple rules as to how the pieces on a Chessboard move. If you would like to take these questions as a Quiz, head on here to take these questions in a test format, absolutely free.

CAT DILR : 2017 slot 2 questions


In an 8 X 8 chessboard a queen placed anywhere can attack another piece if the piece is present in the same row, or in the same column or in any diagonal position in any possible 4 directions, provided there is no other piece in between in the path from the queen to that piece. The columns are labelled a to h (left to right) and the rows are numbered 1 to 8 (bottom to top). The position of a piece is given by the combination of column and row labels. For example, position c5 means that the piece is in cth column and 5th row.

  1. CAT DI LR Previous year questions

    If the queen is at c5, and the other pieces at positions c2, gl, g3, g5 and a3, how many are under attack by the queen? There are no other pieces on the board.

    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5
    Choice C

  2. CAT DI LR Previous year questions

    If the other pieces are only at positions al, a3, b4, d7, h7 and h8, then which of the following positions of the queen results in the maximum number of pieces being under attack?

    1. f8
    2. a7
    3. c1
    4. d3
    Choice D

  3. CAT DI LR Previous year questions

    If the other pieces are only at positions al, a3, b4, d7, h7 and h8, then from how many positions the queen cannot attack any of the pieces?

    1. 0
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 6
    Chioce C

  4. CAT DI LR Previous year questions

    Suppose the queen is the only piece on the board and it is at position d5. In how many positions can another piece be placed on the board such that it is safe from attack from the queen?

    1. 32
    2. 35
    3. 36
    4. 37
    Choice C

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