CAT DI LR section has become increasingly tough beginning from 2015. However, Understanding the basics of Bar graphs, Pie Charts, Multiple graphs, Line Graphs etc forms an integral part of solving tougher CAT level DI LR questions for the CAT Exam. Make use of 2IIMs Free CAT Questions, provided with detailed solutions and Video explanations to obtain a wonderful CAT score. If you would like to take these questions as a Quiz, head on here to take these questions in a test format, absolutely free.
Simple Happiness index (SHI) of a country is computed on the basis of three parameters: social support (S), freedom to life choices (F) and corruption perception (C). Each of these three parameters is measured on a scale of 0 to 8 (integers only). A country is then categorized based on the total score obtained by summing the scores of ail the three parameters, as shown in the following table:
Following diagram depicts the frequency distribution of the scores in S, F and C of 10 countries - Amda, Benga, Calla, Delma, Eppa, Varsa, Wanna, Xanda, Yanga and Zooma:
Further, the following are known:
1.Amda and Calla jointly have the lowest total score, 7, with identical scores in all the three parameters.
2.Zooma has a total score of 17.
3.All the 3 countries, which categorised as happy, have the highest score in exactly one parameter.
What is Amda's score in F? (TITA)
What is Zooma's score in S? (TITA)
Benga and Delma, two countries categorized as happy, are tied with the same total score. What is the maximum score they can have?
If Benga scores 16 and Delma scores 15, then what is the maximum number of countries with a score of 13?
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